object(Zend_Mail_Protocol_Exception)#136 (8) {
  ["_previous":"Zend_Exception":private] => NULL
  ["message":protected] => string(21) "Could not open socket"
  ["string":"Exception":private] => string(0) ""
  ["code":protected] => int(0)
  ["file":protected] => string(78) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Mail/Protocol/Abstract.php"
  ["line":protected] => int(277)
  ["trace":"Exception":private] => array(13) {
    [0] => array(6) {
      ["file"] => string(74) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Mail/Protocol/Smtp.php"
      ["line"] => int(167)
      ["function"] => string(8) "_connect"
      ["class"] => string(27) "Zend_Mail_Protocol_Abstract"
      ["type"] => string(2) "->"
      ["args"] => array(1) {
        [0] => string(23) "ssl://firmylesne.pl:587"
    [1] => array(6) {
      ["file"] => string(75) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Mail/Transport/Smtp.php"
      ["line"] => int(199)
      ["function"] => string(7) "connect"
      ["class"] => string(23) "Zend_Mail_Protocol_Smtp"
      ["type"] => string(2) "->"
      ["args"] => array(0) {
    [2] => array(6) {
      ["file"] => string(79) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Mail/Transport/Abstract.php"
      ["line"] => int(348)
      ["function"] => string(9) "_sendMail"
      ["class"] => string(24) "Zend_Mail_Transport_Smtp"
      ["type"] => string(2) "->"
      ["args"] => array(0) {
    [3] => array(6) {
      ["file"] => string(60) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Mail.php"
      ["line"] => int(1194)
      ["function"] => string(4) "send"
      ["class"] => string(28) "Zend_Mail_Transport_Abstract"
      ["type"] => string(2) "->"
      ["args"] => array(1) {
        [0] => object(Zend_Mail_InlineImages)#114 (18) {
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              [0] => string(23) "and.kowalczuk@gmail.com"
              ["append"] => bool(true)
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              [0] => string(60) "=?UTF-8?Q?B=C5=82=C4=85d=20Aplikacji?= <bledy@firmylesne.pl>"
              ["append"] => bool(true)
            ["Subject"] => array(1) {
              [0] => string(81) "=?UTF-8?Q?Wyst=C4=85pi=C5=82=20b=C5=82=C4=85d=20aplikacji=20!=20(firmylesne.pl)?="
            ["Date"] => array(1) {
              [0] => string(31) "Tue, 17 Sep 2024 01:20:29 +0200"
          ["_headerEncoding":protected] => string(16) "quoted-printable"
          ["_from":protected] => string(19) "bledy@firmylesne.pl"
          ["_to":protected] => array(1) {
            [0] => string(23) "and.kowalczuk@gmail.com"
          ["_recipients":protected] => array(1) {
            ["and.kowalczuk@gmail.com"] => int(1)
          ["_replyTo":protected] => NULL
          ["_returnPath":protected] => NULL
          ["_subject":protected] => string(81) "=?UTF-8?Q?Wyst=C4=85pi=C5=82=20b=C5=82=C4=85d=20aplikacji=20!=20(firmylesne.pl)?="
          ["_date":protected] => string(31) "Tue, 17 Sep 2024 01:20:29 +0200"
          ["_messageId":protected] => NULL
          ["_bodyText":protected] => bool(false)
          ["_bodyHtml":protected] => object(Zend_Mime_Part)#126 (12) {
            ["type"] => string(9) "text/html"
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            ["disposition"] => string(6) "inline"
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            ["_content":protected] => string(9383) "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional //EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"><meta name="viewport" content="width=320, target-densitydpi=device-dpi">
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            body { width: 100% !important; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: 18px; }
            .ReadMsgBody { width: 100%; }
            .ExternalClass { width: 100%; display:block !important; } /* Force Hotmail to display emails at full width */
            /* Reset Styles */
            /* Add 100px so mobile switch bar doesn't cover street address. */
            body { background-color: #ececec; margin: 0; padding: 0; }
            img { outline: none; text-decoration: none; display: block;}
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            /* Preferably not the same color as the normal header link color. There is limited support for psuedo classes in email clients, this was added just for good measure. */  
            table td, table tr { border-collapse: collapse; }
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                                    <div style="position: relative; width: 100%; height: 165px !important; max-height: 165px !important; overflow: hidden;">
                                        <center><img src="http://firmylesne.pl/images/firmylesne.png"/></center>
                                <td bgcolor="#fff" style="background: #fff; padding: 20px;">
                <td>() nieokreślony</td>
                <td>CCBot/2.0 (https://commoncrawl.org/faq/)</td>
                <td><a href="http://firmylesne.pl/zarzadzanie/artykuly/prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl">http://firmylesne.pl/zarzadzanie/artykuly/prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl</a></td>
                <td>exception 'Zend_Cache_Exception' with message 'Invalid id or tag 'path_zarzadzanie_artykuly_prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl' : must use only [a-zA-Z0-9_]' in /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Cache.php:209<br />
Stack trace:<br />
#0 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Cache/Core.php(679): Zend_Cache::throwException('Invalid id or t...')<br />
#1 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Cache/Core.php(358): Zend_Cache_Core::_validateIdOrTag('path_zarzadzani...')<br />
#2 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/application/plugins/Cache.php(384): Zend_Cache_Core->save(false, 'path_zarzadzani...', Array, false, 8)<br />
#3 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/application/models/Zarzadzanie/Menu.php(225): Plugin_Cache->save(false, 'path_zarzadzani...', Array)<br />
#4 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/application/controllers/BaseController.php(222): Model_Zarzadzanie_Menu->pobierzSciezke(Array)<br />
#5 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Controller/Action.php(521): BaseController->postDispatch()<br />
#6 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Controller/Dispatcher/Standard.php(308): Zend_Controller_Action->dispatch('errorAction')<br />
#7 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Controller/Front.php(954): Zend_Controller_Dispatcher_Standard->dispatch(Object(Zend_Controller_Request_Http), Object(Zend_Controller_Response_Http))<br />
#8 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Application/Bootstrap/Bootstrap.php(97): Zend_Controller_Front->dispatch()<br />
#9 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Application.php(366): Zend_Application_Bootstrap_Bootstrap->run()<br />
#10 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/public_html/index.php(65): Zend_Application->run()<br />
#11 {main}</td>
                <td><pre>array (
  'module' => 'zarzadzanie',
  'controller' => 'artykuly',
  'action' => 'prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl',
  'msg' => 'Nie posiadasz uprawnień do zmiany ustawień zawartości.',
                <td><pre>array (
  'PATH' => '/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin',
  'LD_PRELOAD' => '/usr/local/lib/h88/av.so',
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  'REMOTE_ADDR' => '',
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  'SERVER_ADDR' => '',
  'SERVER_NAME' => 'firmylesne.pl',
  'SERVER_ADMIN' => 'webmaster@firmylesne.pl',
  'SERVER_PORT' => '443',
  'REQUEST_SCHEME' => 'https',
  'REQUEST_URI' => '/zarzadzanie/artykuly/prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl',
  'REDIRECT_URL' => '/zarzadzanie/artykuly/prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl',
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  'SCRIPT_URI' => 'https://firmylesne.pl/zarzadzanie/artykuly/prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl',
  'SCRIPT_URL' => '/zarzadzanie/artykuly/prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl',
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                <td><pre>array (
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  array (
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    array (
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                                <td bgcolor="#70A351" style="padding: 10px 20px; color: #f0f0f0; border-bottom-left-radius: 4px; border-bottom-right-radius: 4px; background: #70A351;">
                                        Administrator serwisu <a href="http://firmylesne.pl">http://firmylesne.pl</a>
            ["_isStream":protected] => bool(false)
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    [4] => array(6) {
      ["file"] => string(67) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/application/models/Error.php"
      ["line"] => int(159)
      ["function"] => string(4) "send"
      ["class"] => string(9) "Zend_Mail"
      ["type"] => string(2) "->"
      ["args"] => array(1) {
        [0] => object(Zend_Mail_Transport_Smtp)#113 (15) {
          ["EOL"] => string(1) "
          ["_host":protected] => string(13) "firmylesne.pl"
          ["_port":protected] => string(3) "587"
          ["_name":protected] => string(9) "localhost"
          ["_auth":protected] => string(5) "login"
          ["_config":protected] => array(5) {
            ["auth"] => string(5) "login"
            ["username"] => string(19) "bledy@firmylesne.pl"
            ["password"] => string(8) "g52mibV7"
            ["ssl"] => string(3) "ssl"
            ["port"] => string(3) "587"
          ["_connection":protected] => object(Zend_Mail_Protocol_Smtp_Auth_Login)#132 (19) {
            ["_username":protected] => string(19) "bledy@firmylesne.pl"
            ["_password":protected] => string(8) "g52mibV7"
            ["_transport":protected] => string(3) "ssl"
            ["_secure":protected] => string(3) "ssl"
            ["_sess":protected] => bool(false)
            ["_helo":protected] => bool(false)
            ["_auth":protected] => bool(false)
            ["_mail":protected] => bool(false)
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            ["_data":protected] => NULL
            ["_maximumLog":protected] => int(64)
            ["_host":protected] => string(13) "firmylesne.pl"
            ["_port":protected] => string(3) "587"
            ["_validHost":protected] => object(Zend_Validate)#133 (3) {
              ["_validators":protected] => array(1) {
                [0] => array(2) {
                  ["instance"] => object(Zend_Validate_Hostname)#134 (13) {
                    ["_messageTemplates":protected] => array(11) {
                      ["hostnameCannotDecodePunycode"] => string(88) "'%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but the given punycode notation cannot be decoded"
                      ["hostnameInvalid"] => string(35) "Invalid type given. String expected"
                      ["hostnameDashCharacter"] => string(81) "'%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but contains a dash in an invalid position"
                      ["hostnameInvalidHostname"] => string(66) "'%value%' does not match the expected structure for a DNS hostname"
                      ["hostnameInvalidHostnameSchema"] => string(95) "'%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but cannot match against hostname schema for TLD '%tld%'"
                      ["hostnameInvalidLocalName"] => string(58) "'%value%' does not appear to be a valid local network name"
                      ["hostnameInvalidUri"] => string(52) "'%value%' does not appear to be a valid URI hostname"
                      ["hostnameIpAddressNotAllowed"] => string(71) "'%value%' appears to be an IP address, but IP addresses are not allowed"
                      ["hostnameLocalNameNotAllowed"] => string(84) "'%value%' appears to be a local network name but local network names are not allowed"
                      ["hostnameUndecipherableTld"] => string(66) "'%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but cannot extract TLD part"
                      ["hostnameUnknownTld"] => string(78) "'%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but cannot match TLD against known list"
                    ["_messageVariables":protected] => array(1) {
                      ["tld"] => string(4) "_tld"
                    ["_validTlds":protected] => array(271) {
                      [0] => string(2) "ac"
                      [1] => string(2) "ad"
                      [2] => string(2) "ae"
                      [3] => string(4) "aero"
                      [4] => string(2) "af"
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                      [190] => string(2) "pf"
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                    ["_validIdns":protected] => array(53) {
                      ["AC"] => array(1) {
                        [1] => string(144) "/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-öø-ÿāăąćĉċčďđēėęěĝġģĥħīįĵķĺļľŀłńņňŋőœŕŗřśŝşšţťŧūŭůűųŵŷźżž]{1,63}$/iu"
                      ["AR"] => array(1) {
                        [1] => string(49) "/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-ãç-êìíñ-õü]{1,63}$/iu"
                      ["AS"] => array(1) {
                        [1] => string(158) "/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-öø-ÿāăąćĉċčďđēĕėęěĝğġģĥħĩīĭįıĵķĸĺļľłńņňŋōŏőœŕŗřśŝşšţťŧũūŭůűųŵŷźż]{1,63}$/iu"
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                        [1] => string(44) "/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-öø-ÿœšž]{1,63}$/iu"
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                        [1] => string(48) "/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-ãçéíó-õúü]{1,63}$/iu"
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                        [1] => string(64) "/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zàáä-éêñ-ôöøüčđńŋšŧž]{1,63}$/iu"
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                        [1] => string(160) "/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-öø-ÿăąāćĉčċďđĕěėęēğĝġģĥħĭĩįīıĵķĺľļłńňņŋŏőōœĸŕřŗśŝšşťţŧŭůűũųūŵŷźžż]{1,63}$/iu"
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                        [3] => string(32) "/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zșț]{1,63}$/iu"
                        [4] => string(100) "/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zΐάέήίΰαβγδεζηθικλμνξοπρςστυφχψωϊϋόύώ]{1,63}$/iu"
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                        [1] => string(34) "/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zäåö]{1,63}$/iu"
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                        [1] => string(166) "/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zΆΈΉΊΌΎ-ΡΣ-ώἀ-ἕἘ-Ἕἠ-ὅὈ-Ὅὐ-ὗὙὛὝὟ-ώᾀ-ᾴᾶ-ᾼῂῃῄῆ-ῌῐ-ΐῖ-Ίῠ-Ῥῲῳῴῶ-ῼ]{1,63}$/iu"
                      ["HK"] => string(29) "Zend/Validate/Hostname/Cn.php"
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                        [1] => string(46) "/^[\x{002d}0-9a-záéíóöúüőű]{1,63}$/iu"
                      ["INFO"] => array(8) {
                        [1] => string(42) "/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zäåæéöøü]{1,63}$/iu"
                        [2] => string(46) "/^[\x{002d}0-9a-záéíóöúüőű]{1,63}$/iu"
                        [3] => string(48) "/^[\x{002d}0-9a-záæéíðóöúýþ]{1,63}$/iu"
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                        [7] => string(46) "/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zóąćęłńśźż]{1,63}$/iu"
                        [8] => string(42) "/^[\x{002d}0-9a-záéíñóúü]{1,63}$/iu"
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                        [1] => string(160) "/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-öø-ÿăąāćĉčċďđĕěėęēğĝġģĥħĭĩįīıĵķĺľļłńňņŋŏőōœĸŕřŗśŝšşťţŧŭůűũųūŵŷźžż]{1,63}$/iu"
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                        [1] => string(48) "/^[\x{002d}0-9a-záéýúíóþæöð]{1,63}$/iu"
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                        [1] => string(31) "/^[\x{AC00}-\x{D7A3}]{1,17}$/iu"
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                        [2] => string(46) "/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zóąćęłńśźż]{1,63}$/iu"
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                        [1] => string(42) "/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zñáéíóúü]{1,63}$/iu"
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                        [1] => string(54) "/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zāčēģīķļņōŗšūž]{1,63}$/iu"
                        [2] => string(54) "/^[\x{002d}а-ик-ш\x{0450}ѓѕјљњќџ]{1,63}$/iu"
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                        [15] => string(42) "/^[\x{002d}0-9a-záéíñóúü]{1,63}$/iu"
                        [16] => string(40) "/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zäõöüšž]{1,63}$/iu"
                        [17] => string(40) "/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zĉĝĥĵŝŭ]{1,63}$/iu"
                        [18] => string(40) "/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zâäéëîô]{1,63}$/iu"
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                        [1] => string(64) "/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zàáä-éêñ-ôöøüčđńŋšŧž]{1,63}$/iu"
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                      ["TW"] => string(29) "Zend/Validate/Hostname/Cn.php"
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                        [1] => string(42) "/^[\x{002d}0-9a-záéíóúüñ]{1,63}$/iu"
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rnalClass { width: 100%; display:block !important; } /* Force Hotmail to=
 display emails at full width */=0D=0A            /* Reset Styles */=0D=
=0A            /* Add 100px so mobile switch bar doesn't cover street ad=
dress. */=0D=0A            body { background-color: #ececec; margin: 0;=
 padding: 0; }=0D=0A            img { outline: none; text-decoration: no=
ne; display: block;}=0D=0A            br, strong br, b br, em br, i br {=
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ht: 100% !important; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; }=0D=0A      =
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=0A            h1 a:active, h2 a:active,  h3 a:active, h4 a:active, h5 a=
:active, h6 a:active {=09color: red !important; }=0D=0A            /* Pr=
eferably not the same color as the normal header link color.  There is l=
imited support for psuedo classes in email clients, this was added just=
 for good measure. */=0D=0A            h1 a:visited, h2 a:visited,  h3 a=
:visited, h4 a:visited, h5 a:visited, h6 a:visited { color: purple !impo=
rtant; }=0D=0A            /* Preferably not the same color as the normal=
 header link color. There is limited support for psuedo classes in email=
 clients, this was added just for good measure. */  =0D=0A            ta=
ble td, table tr { border-collapse: collapse; }=0D=0A            .header=
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osition: relative; width: 100%; height: 165px !important; max-height: 16=
5px !important; overflow: hidden;">=0D=0A                              =
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=0A                                    =0D=0A                          =
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HER</td>=0A            </tr>=0A            <tr>=0A                <th>U=
=C5=BCytkownik:</th>=0A                <td>() nieokre=C5=9Blony</td>=0A=
            </tr>=0A            <tr>=0A                <th>Przegl=C4=85d=
arka:</td>=0A                <td>CCBot/2.0 (https://commoncrawl.org/faq/=
)</td>=0A            </tr>=0A            <tr>=0A                <th>Adre=
s:</th>=0A                <td><a href=3D"http://firmylesne.pl/zarzadzani=
/artykuly/prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl</a></td>=0A            </tr>=0A  =
          <tr>=0A                <th>IP:</th>=0A                <td>3.23=
5.226.14</td>=0A            </tr>=0A            <tr>=0A                <=
th>Referrer:</th>=0A                <td></td>=0A            </tr>=0A   =
         <tr>=0A                <th>Exception:</th>=0A                <t=
d>exception 'Zend_Cache_Exception' with message 'Invalid id or tag 'path=
_zarzadzanie_artykuly_prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl' : must use only [a-zA=
-Z0-9_]' in /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Cache.ph=
p:209<br />=0AStack trace:<br />=0A#0 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesn=
e.pl/library/Zend/Cache/Core.php(679): Zend_Cache::throwException('Inval=
id id or t...')<br />=0A#1 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/librar=
y/Zend/Cache/Core.php(358): Zend_Cache_Core::_validateIdOrTag('path_zarz=
adzani...')<br />=0A#2 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/applicatio=
n/plugins/Cache.php(384): Zend_Cache_Core->save(false, 'path_zarzadzani.=
..', Array, false, 8)<br />=0A#3 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/=
application/models/Zarzadzanie/Menu.php(225): Plugin_Cache->save(false,=
 'path_zarzadzani...', Array)<br />=0A#4 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmyl=
esne.pl/application/controllers/BaseController.php(222): Model_Zarzadzan=
ie_Menu->pobierzSciezke(Array)<br />=0A#5 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmy=
lesne.pl/library/Zend/Controller/Action.php(521): BaseController->postDi=
spatch()<br />=0A#6 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/=
Controller/Dispatcher/Standard.php(308): Zend_Controller_Action->dispatc=
h('errorAction')<br />=0A#7 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/libra=
ry/Zend/Controller/Front.php(954): Zend_Controller_Dispatcher_Standard->=
dispatch(Object(Zend_Controller_Request_Http), Object(Zend_Controller_Re=
sponse_Http))<br />=0A#8 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/=
Zend/Application/Bootstrap/Bootstrap.php(97): Zend_Controller_Front->dis=
patch()<br />=0A#9 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/A=
pplication.php(366): Zend_Application_Bootstrap_Bootstrap->run()<br />=
=0A#10 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/public_html/index.php(65):=
 Zend_Application->run()<br />=0A#11 {main}</td>=0A            </tr>=0A=
            <tr>=0A                <th>Parametry:</th>=0A              =
  <td><pre>array (=0A  'module' =3D> 'zarzadzanie',=0A  'controller' =3D=
> 'artykuly',=0A  'action' =3D> 'prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl',=0A  'msg'=
 =3D> 'Nie posiadasz uprawnie=C5=84 do zmiany ustawie=C5=84 zawarto=C5=
=9Bci.',=0A)</pre></td>=0A            </tr>=0A            <tr>=0A      =
          <th>$_SERVER:</th>=0A                <td><pre>array (=0A  'PAT=
H' =3D> '/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin',=0A  'LD_PRELOAD' =3D> '/usr/loca=
l/lib/h88/av.so',=0A  'PHP_INI_SCAN_DIR' =3D> ':/etc/configs/users/firmy=
lesne/php/www.firmylesne.pl/',=0A  'HTTP_ACCEPT' =3D> 'text/html,applica=
tion/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=3D0.9,*/*;q=3D0.8',=0A  'HTTP_ACCEPT_EN=
CODING' =3D> 'br,gzip',=0A  'HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE' =3D> 'en-US,en;q=3D0.=
5',=0A  'HTTP_HOST' =3D> 'firmylesne.pl',=0A  'HTTP_USER_AGENT' =3D> 'CC=
Bot/2.0 (https://commoncrawl.org/faq/)',=0A  'DOCUMENT_ROOT' =3D> '/home=
/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/private_html',=0A  'REMOTE_ADDR' =3D>=
 '',=0A  'REMOTE_PORT' =3D> '37696',=0A  'SERVER_ADDR' =3D>=
 '',=0A  'SERVER_NAME' =3D> 'firmylesne.pl',=0A  'SERVER_A=
DMIN' =3D> 'webmaster@firmylesne.pl',=0A  'SERVER_PORT' =3D> '443',=0A =
 'REQUEST_SCHEME' =3D> 'https',=0A  'REQUEST_URI' =3D> '/zarzadzanie/art=
ykuly/prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl',=0A  'REDIRECT_URL' =3D> '/zarzadzani=
e/artykuly/prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl',=0A  'REDIRECT_REQUEST_METHOD'=
 =3D> 'GET',=0A  'HTTPS' =3D> 'on',=0A  'REDIRECT_STATUS' =3D> '200',=0A=
  'X_SPDY' =3D> 'HTTP2',=0A  'SSL_PROTOCOL' =3D> 'TLSv1.3',=0A  'SSL_CIP=
/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/private_html/index.php',=0A  'QUE=
RY_STRING' =3D> '',=0A  'SCRIPT_URI' =3D> 'https://firmylesne.pl/zarzadz=
anie/artykuly/prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl',=0A  'SCRIPT_URL' =3D> '/zarz=
adzanie/artykuly/prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl',=0A  'SCRIPT_NAME' =3D> '/=
index.php',=0A  'SERVER_PROTOCOL' =3D> 'HTTP/1.1',=0A  'SERVER_SOFTWARE'=
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 'on',=0A  'PHP_SELF' =3D> '/index.php',=0A  'REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT' =3D> 1=
726528829.673882007598876953125,=0A  'REQUEST_TIME' =3D> 1726528829,=0A)=
</pre></td>=0A            </tr>=0A            <tr>=0A                <th=
>$_SESSION:</th>=0A                <td><pre>array (=0A  '__ZF' =3D> =0A=
  array (=0A    'Default' =3D> =0A    array (=0A      'ENT' =3D> 1726615=
229,=0A    ),=0A  ),=0A  'historia' =3D> NULL,=0A)</pre></td>=0A       =
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table>=0D=0A                                                           =
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0px 20px; color: #f0f0f0; border-bottom-left-radius: 4px; border-bottom-=
right-radius: 4px; background: #70A351;">=0D=0A                        =
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<br/>=0D=0A                                        Administrator serwisu=
 <a href=3D"http://firmylesne.pl">http://firmylesne.pl</a>=0D=0A       =
                             </p>=0D=0A                                <=
/td>=0D=0A                            </tr>=0D=0A                      =
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                <td>() nieokreślony</td>
                <td>CCBot/2.0 (https://commoncrawl.org/faq/)</td>
                <td><a href="http://firmylesne.pl/zarzadzanie/artykuly/prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl">http://firmylesne.pl/zarzadzanie/artykuly/prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl</a></td>
                <td>exception 'Zend_Cache_Exception' with message 'Invalid id or tag 'path_zarzadzanie_artykuly_prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl' : must use only [a-zA-Z0-9_]' in /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Cache.php:209<br />
Stack trace:<br />
#0 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Cache/Core.php(679): Zend_Cache::throwException('Invalid id or t...')<br />
#1 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Cache/Core.php(358): Zend_Cache_Core::_validateIdOrTag('path_zarzadzani...')<br />
#2 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/application/plugins/Cache.php(384): Zend_Cache_Core->save(false, 'path_zarzadzani...', Array, false, 8)<br />
#3 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/application/models/Zarzadzanie/Menu.php(225): Plugin_Cache->save(false, 'path_zarzadzani...', Array)<br />
#4 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/application/controllers/BaseController.php(222): Model_Zarzadzanie_Menu->pobierzSciezke(Array)<br />
#5 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Controller/Action.php(521): BaseController->postDispatch()<br />
#6 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Controller/Dispatcher/Standard.php(308): Zend_Controller_Action->dispatch('errorAction')<br />
#7 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Controller/Front.php(954): Zend_Controller_Dispatcher_Standard->dispatch(Object(Zend_Controller_Request_Http), Object(Zend_Controller_Response_Http))<br />
#8 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Application/Bootstrap/Bootstrap.php(97): Zend_Controller_Front->dispatch()<br />
#9 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Application.php(366): Zend_Application_Bootstrap_Bootstrap->run()<br />
#10 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/public_html/index.php(65): Zend_Application->run()<br />
#11 {main}</td>
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  'action' => 'prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl',
  'msg' => 'Nie posiadasz uprawnień do zmiany ustawień zawartości.',
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                                        <center><img src="http://firmylesne.pl/images/firmylesne.png"/></center>
                                <td bgcolor="#fff" style="background: #fff; padding: 20px;">
                <td>() nieokreślony</td>
                <td>CCBot/2.0 (https://commoncrawl.org/faq/)</td>
                <td><a href="http://firmylesne.pl/zarzadzanie/artykuly/prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl">http://firmylesne.pl/zarzadzanie/artykuly/prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl</a></td>
                <td>exception 'Zend_Cache_Exception' with message 'Invalid id or tag 'path_zarzadzanie_artykuly_prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl' : must use only [a-zA-Z0-9_]' in /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Cache.php:209<br />
Stack trace:<br />
#0 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Cache/Core.php(679): Zend_Cache::throwException('Invalid id or t...')<br />
#1 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Cache/Core.php(358): Zend_Cache_Core::_validateIdOrTag('path_zarzadzani...')<br />
#2 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/application/plugins/Cache.php(384): Zend_Cache_Core->save(false, 'path_zarzadzani...', Array, false, 8)<br />
#3 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/application/models/Zarzadzanie/Menu.php(225): Plugin_Cache->save(false, 'path_zarzadzani...', Array)<br />
#4 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/application/controllers/BaseController.php(222): Model_Zarzadzanie_Menu->pobierzSciezke(Array)<br />
#5 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Controller/Action.php(521): BaseController->postDispatch()<br />
#6 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Controller/Dispatcher/Standard.php(308): Zend_Controller_Action->dispatch('errorAction')<br />
#7 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Controller/Front.php(954): Zend_Controller_Dispatcher_Standard->dispatch(Object(Zend_Controller_Request_Http), Object(Zend_Controller_Response_Http))<br />
#8 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Application/Bootstrap/Bootstrap.php(97): Zend_Controller_Front->dispatch()<br />
#9 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Application.php(366): Zend_Application_Bootstrap_Bootstrap->run()<br />
#10 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/public_html/index.php(65): Zend_Application->run()<br />
#11 {main}</td>
                <td><pre>array (
  'module' => 'zarzadzanie',
  'controller' => 'artykuly',
  'action' => 'prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl',
  'msg' => 'Nie posiadasz uprawnień do zmiany ustawień zawartości.',
                <td><pre>array (
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  'REQUEST_SCHEME' => 'https',
  'REQUEST_URI' => '/zarzadzanie/artykuly/prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl',
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                <td><pre>array (
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  array (
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    array (
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                                <td bgcolor="#70A351" style="padding: 10px 20px; color: #f0f0f0; border-bottom-left-radius: 4px; border-bottom-right-radius: 4px; background: #70A351;">
                                        Administrator serwisu <a href="http://firmylesne.pl">http://firmylesne.pl</a>
              ["_isStream":protected] => bool(false)
          ["recipients"] => string(23) "and.kowalczuk@gmail.com"
    [5] => array(6) {
      ["file"] => string(67) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/application/models/Error.php"
      ["line"] => int(41)
      ["function"] => string(8) "logEmail"
      ["class"] => string(11) "Model_Error"
      ["type"] => string(2) "->"
      ["args"] => array(7) {
        [0] => &string(15) "EXCEPTION_OTHER"
        [1] => &NULL
        [2] => &string(13) "nieokreślony"
        [3] => &string(49) "/zarzadzanie/artykuly/prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl"
        [4] => &NULL
        [5] => object(Zend_Cache_Exception)#103 (8) {
          ["_previous":"Zend_Exception":private] => NULL
          ["message":protected] => string(102) "Invalid id or tag 'path_zarzadzanie_artykuly_prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl' : must use only [a-zA-Z0-9_]"
          ["string":"Exception":private] => string(1734) "exception 'Zend_Cache_Exception' with message 'Invalid id or tag 'path_zarzadzanie_artykuly_prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl' : must use only [a-zA-Z0-9_]' in /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Cache.php:209
Stack trace:
#0 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Cache/Core.php(679): Zend_Cache::throwException('Invalid id or t...')
#1 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Cache/Core.php(358): Zend_Cache_Core::_validateIdOrTag('path_zarzadzani...')
#2 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/application/plugins/Cache.php(384): Zend_Cache_Core->save(false, 'path_zarzadzani...', Array, false, 8)
#3 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/application/models/Zarzadzanie/Menu.php(225): Plugin_Cache->save(false, 'path_zarzadzani...', Array)
#4 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/application/controllers/BaseController.php(222): Model_Zarzadzanie_Menu->pobierzSciezke(Array)
#5 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Controller/Action.php(521): BaseController->postDispatch()
#6 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Controller/Dispatcher/Standard.php(308): Zend_Controller_Action->dispatch('errorAction')
#7 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Controller/Front.php(954): Zend_Controller_Dispatcher_Standard->dispatch(Object(Zend_Controller_Request_Http), Object(Zend_Controller_Response_Http))
#8 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Application/Bootstrap/Bootstrap.php(97): Zend_Controller_Front->dispatch()
#9 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Application.php(366): Zend_Application_Bootstrap_Bootstrap->run()
#10 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/public_html/index.php(65): Zend_Application->run()
#11 {main}"
          ["code":protected] => int(0)
          ["file":protected] => string(61) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Cache.php"
          ["line":protected] => int(209)
          ["trace":"Exception":private] => array(11) {
            [0] => array(6) {
              ["file"] => string(66) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Cache/Core.php"
              ["line"] => int(679)
              ["function"] => string(14) "throwException"
              ["class"] => string(10) "Zend_Cache"
              ["type"] => string(2) "::"
              ["args"] => array(1) {
                [0] => string(102) "Invalid id or tag 'path_zarzadzanie_artykuly_prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl' : must use only [a-zA-Z0-9_]"
            [1] => array(6) {
              ["file"] => string(66) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Cache/Core.php"
              ["line"] => int(358)
              ["function"] => string(16) "_validateIdOrTag"
              ["class"] => string(15) "Zend_Cache_Core"
              ["type"] => string(2) "::"
              ["args"] => array(1) {
                [0] => string(53) "path_zarzadzanie_artykuly_prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl"
            [2] => array(6) {
              ["file"] => string(68) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/application/plugins/Cache.php"
              ["line"] => int(384)
              ["function"] => string(4) "save"
              ["class"] => string(15) "Zend_Cache_Core"
              ["type"] => string(2) "->"
              ["args"] => array(5) {
                [0] => bool(false)
                [1] => string(53) "path_zarzadzanie_artykuly_prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl"
                [2] => array(1) {
                  [0] => string(14) "navigationPath"
                [3] => bool(false)
                [4] => int(8)
            [3] => array(6) {
              ["file"] => string(78) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/application/models/Zarzadzanie/Menu.php"
              ["line"] => int(225)
              ["function"] => string(4) "save"
              ["class"] => string(12) "Plugin_Cache"
              ["type"] => string(2) "->"
              ["args"] => array(3) {
                [0] => bool(false)
                [1] => string(53) "path_zarzadzanie_artykuly_prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl"
                [2] => array(1) {
                  [0] => string(14) "navigationPath"
            [4] => array(6) {
              ["file"] => string(81) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/application/controllers/BaseController.php"
              ["line"] => int(222)
              ["function"] => string(14) "pobierzSciezke"
              ["class"] => string(22) "Model_Zarzadzanie_Menu"
              ["type"] => string(2) "->"
              ["args"] => array(1) {
                [0] => array(4) {
                  ["module"] => string(11) "zarzadzanie"
                  ["controller"] => string(8) "artykuly"
                  ["action"] => string(27) "prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl"
                  ["msg"] => string(57) "Nie posiadasz uprawnień do zmiany ustawień zawartości."
            [5] => array(6) {
              ["file"] => string(73) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Controller/Action.php"
              ["line"] => int(521)
              ["function"] => string(12) "postDispatch"
              ["class"] => string(14) "BaseController"
              ["type"] => string(2) "->"
              ["args"] => array(0) {
            [6] => array(6) {
              ["file"] => string(86) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Controller/Dispatcher/Standard.php"
              ["line"] => int(308)
              ["function"] => string(8) "dispatch"
              ["class"] => string(22) "Zend_Controller_Action"
              ["type"] => string(2) "->"
              ["args"] => array(1) {
                [0] => string(11) "errorAction"
            [7] => array(6) {
              ["file"] => string(72) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Controller/Front.php"
              ["line"] => int(954)
              ["function"] => string(8) "dispatch"
              ["class"] => string(35) "Zend_Controller_Dispatcher_Standard"
              ["type"] => string(2) "->"
              ["args"] => array(2) {
                [0] => object(Zend_Controller_Request_Http)#44 (15) {
                  ["_paramSources":protected] => array(2) {
                    [0] => string(4) "_GET"
                    [1] => string(5) "_POST"
                  ["_requestUri":protected] => string(49) "/zarzadzanie/artykuly/prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl"
                  ["_baseUrl":protected] => string(0) ""
                  ["_basePath":protected] => NULL
                  ["_pathInfo":protected] => string(49) "/zarzadzanie/artykuly/prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl"
                  ["_params":protected] => array(5) {
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                    ["controller"] => string(8) "artykuly"
                    ["action"] => string(27) "prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl"
                    ["msg"] => string(57) "Nie posiadasz uprawnień do zmiany ustawień zawartości."
                    ["error_handler"] => object(ArrayObject)#105 (1) {
                      ["storage":"ArrayObject":private] => array(3) {
                        ["exception"] => *RECURSION*
                        ["type"] => string(15) "EXCEPTION_OTHER"
                        ["request"] => object(Zend_Controller_Request_Http)#104 (15) {
                          ["_paramSources":protected] => array(2) {
                            [0] => string(4) "_GET"
                            [1] => string(5) "_POST"
                          ["_requestUri":protected] => string(49) "/zarzadzanie/artykuly/prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl"
                          ["_baseUrl":protected] => string(0) ""
                          ["_basePath":protected] => NULL
                          ["_pathInfo":protected] => string(49) "/zarzadzanie/artykuly/prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl"
                          ["_params":protected] => array(4) {
                            ["module"] => string(11) "zarzadzanie"
                            ["controller"] => string(8) "artykuly"
                            ["action"] => string(27) "prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl"
                            ["msg"] => string(57) "Nie posiadasz uprawnień do zmiany ustawień zawartości."
                          ["_rawBody":protected] => NULL
                          ["_aliases":protected] => array(0) {
                          ["_dispatched":protected] => bool(true)
                          ["_module":protected] => string(7) "default"
                          ["_moduleKey":protected] => string(6) "module"
                          ["_controller":protected] => string(5) "error"
                          ["_controllerKey":protected] => string(10) "controller"
                          ["_action":protected] => string(5) "error"
                          ["_actionKey":protected] => string(6) "action"
                  ["_rawBody":protected] => NULL
                  ["_aliases":protected] => array(0) {
                  ["_dispatched":protected] => bool(false)
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                  ["_moduleKey":protected] => string(6) "module"
                  ["_controller":protected] => string(5) "error"
                  ["_controllerKey":protected] => string(10) "controller"
                  ["_action":protected] => string(8) "critical"
                  ["_actionKey":protected] => string(6) "action"
                [1] => object(Zend_Controller_Response_Http)#45 (8) {
                  ["_body":protected] => array(1) {
                    ["default"] => string(0) ""
                  ["_exceptions":protected] => array(1) {
                    [0] => *RECURSION*
                  ["_headers":protected] => array(0) {
                  ["_headersRaw":protected] => array(0) {
                  ["_httpResponseCode":protected] => int(200)
                  ["_isRedirect":protected] => bool(false)
                  ["_renderExceptions":protected] => bool(false)
                  ["headersSentThrowsException"] => bool(true)
            [8] => array(6) {
              ["file"] => string(87) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Application/Bootstrap/Bootstrap.php"
              ["line"] => int(97)
              ["function"] => string(8) "dispatch"
              ["class"] => string(21) "Zend_Controller_Front"
              ["type"] => string(2) "->"
              ["args"] => array(0) {
            [9] => array(6) {
              ["file"] => string(67) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Application.php"
              ["line"] => int(366)
              ["function"] => string(3) "run"
              ["class"] => string(36) "Zend_Application_Bootstrap_Bootstrap"
              ["type"] => string(2) "->"
              ["args"] => array(0) {
            [10] => array(6) {
              ["file"] => string(60) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/public_html/index.php"
              ["line"] => int(65)
              ["function"] => string(3) "run"
              ["class"] => string(16) "Zend_Application"
              ["type"] => string(2) "->"
              ["args"] => array(0) {
          ["previous":"Exception":private] => NULL
        [6] => &array(4) {
          ["module"] => string(11) "zarzadzanie"
          ["controller"] => string(8) "artykuly"
          ["action"] => string(27) "prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl"
          ["msg"] => string(57) "Nie posiadasz uprawnień do zmiany ustawień zawartości."
    [6] => array(6) {
      ["file"] => string(82) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/application/controllers/ErrorController.php"
      ["line"] => int(56)
      ["function"] => string(8) "logError"
      ["class"] => string(11) "Model_Error"
      ["type"] => string(2) "->"
      ["args"] => array(1) {
        [0] => object(ArrayObject)#105 (1) {
          ["storage":"ArrayObject":private] => array(3) {
            ["exception"] => object(Zend_Cache_Exception)#103 (8) {
              ["_previous":"Zend_Exception":private] => NULL
              ["message":protected] => string(102) "Invalid id or tag 'path_zarzadzanie_artykuly_prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl' : must use only [a-zA-Z0-9_]"
              ["string":"Exception":private] => string(1734) "exception 'Zend_Cache_Exception' with message 'Invalid id or tag 'path_zarzadzanie_artykuly_prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl' : must use only [a-zA-Z0-9_]' in /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Cache.php:209
Stack trace:
#0 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Cache/Core.php(679): Zend_Cache::throwException('Invalid id or t...')
#1 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Cache/Core.php(358): Zend_Cache_Core::_validateIdOrTag('path_zarzadzani...')
#2 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/application/plugins/Cache.php(384): Zend_Cache_Core->save(false, 'path_zarzadzani...', Array, false, 8)
#3 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/application/models/Zarzadzanie/Menu.php(225): Plugin_Cache->save(false, 'path_zarzadzani...', Array)
#4 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/application/controllers/BaseController.php(222): Model_Zarzadzanie_Menu->pobierzSciezke(Array)
#5 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Controller/Action.php(521): BaseController->postDispatch()
#6 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Controller/Dispatcher/Standard.php(308): Zend_Controller_Action->dispatch('errorAction')
#7 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Controller/Front.php(954): Zend_Controller_Dispatcher_Standard->dispatch(Object(Zend_Controller_Request_Http), Object(Zend_Controller_Response_Http))
#8 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Application/Bootstrap/Bootstrap.php(97): Zend_Controller_Front->dispatch()
#9 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Application.php(366): Zend_Application_Bootstrap_Bootstrap->run()
#10 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/public_html/index.php(65): Zend_Application->run()
#11 {main}"
              ["code":protected] => int(0)
              ["file":protected] => string(61) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Cache.php"
              ["line":protected] => int(209)
              ["trace":"Exception":private] => array(11) {
                [0] => array(6) {
                  ["file"] => string(66) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Cache/Core.php"
                  ["line"] => int(679)
                  ["function"] => string(14) "throwException"
                  ["class"] => string(10) "Zend_Cache"
                  ["type"] => string(2) "::"
                  ["args"] => array(1) {
                    [0] => string(102) "Invalid id or tag 'path_zarzadzanie_artykuly_prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl' : must use only [a-zA-Z0-9_]"
                [1] => array(6) {
                  ["file"] => string(66) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Cache/Core.php"
                  ["line"] => int(358)
                  ["function"] => string(16) "_validateIdOrTag"
                  ["class"] => string(15) "Zend_Cache_Core"
                  ["type"] => string(2) "::"
                  ["args"] => array(1) {
                    [0] => string(53) "path_zarzadzanie_artykuly_prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl"
                [2] => array(6) {
                  ["file"] => string(68) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/application/plugins/Cache.php"
                  ["line"] => int(384)
                  ["function"] => string(4) "save"
                  ["class"] => string(15) "Zend_Cache_Core"
                  ["type"] => string(2) "->"
                  ["args"] => array(5) {
                    [0] => bool(false)
                    [1] => string(53) "path_zarzadzanie_artykuly_prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl"
                    [2] => array(1) {
                      [0] => string(14) "navigationPath"
                    [3] => bool(false)
                    [4] => int(8)
                [3] => array(6) {
                  ["file"] => string(78) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/application/models/Zarzadzanie/Menu.php"
                  ["line"] => int(225)
                  ["function"] => string(4) "save"
                  ["class"] => string(12) "Plugin_Cache"
                  ["type"] => string(2) "->"
                  ["args"] => array(3) {
                    [0] => bool(false)
                    [1] => string(53) "path_zarzadzanie_artykuly_prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl"
                    [2] => array(1) {
                      [0] => string(14) "navigationPath"
                [4] => array(6) {
                  ["file"] => string(81) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/application/controllers/BaseController.php"
                  ["line"] => int(222)
                  ["function"] => string(14) "pobierzSciezke"
                  ["class"] => string(22) "Model_Zarzadzanie_Menu"
                  ["type"] => string(2) "->"
                  ["args"] => array(1) {
                    [0] => array(4) {
                      ["module"] => string(11) "zarzadzanie"
                      ["controller"] => string(8) "artykuly"
                      ["action"] => string(27) "prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl"
                      ["msg"] => string(57) "Nie posiadasz uprawnień do zmiany ustawień zawartości."
                [5] => array(6) {
                  ["file"] => string(73) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Controller/Action.php"
                  ["line"] => int(521)
                  ["function"] => string(12) "postDispatch"
                  ["class"] => string(14) "BaseController"
                  ["type"] => string(2) "->"
                  ["args"] => array(0) {
                [6] => array(6) {
                  ["file"] => string(86) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Controller/Dispatcher/Standard.php"
                  ["line"] => int(308)
                  ["function"] => string(8) "dispatch"
                  ["class"] => string(22) "Zend_Controller_Action"
                  ["type"] => string(2) "->"
                  ["args"] => array(1) {
                    [0] => string(11) "errorAction"
                [7] => array(6) {
                  ["file"] => string(72) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Controller/Front.php"
                  ["line"] => int(954)
                  ["function"] => string(8) "dispatch"
                  ["class"] => string(35) "Zend_Controller_Dispatcher_Standard"
                  ["type"] => string(2) "->"
                  ["args"] => array(2) {
                    [0] => object(Zend_Controller_Request_Http)#44 (15) {
                      ["_paramSources":protected] => array(2) {
                        [0] => string(4) "_GET"
                        [1] => string(5) "_POST"
                      ["_requestUri":protected] => string(49) "/zarzadzanie/artykuly/prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl"
                      ["_baseUrl":protected] => string(0) ""
                      ["_basePath":protected] => NULL
                      ["_pathInfo":protected] => string(49) "/zarzadzanie/artykuly/prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl"
                      ["_params":protected] => array(5) {
                        ["module"] => string(11) "zarzadzanie"
                        ["controller"] => string(8) "artykuly"
                        ["action"] => string(27) "prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl"
                        ["msg"] => string(57) "Nie posiadasz uprawnień do zmiany ustawień zawartości."
                        ["error_handler"] => *RECURSION*
                      ["_rawBody":protected] => NULL
                      ["_aliases":protected] => array(0) {
                      ["_dispatched":protected] => bool(false)
                      ["_module":protected] => string(7) "default"
                      ["_moduleKey":protected] => string(6) "module"
                      ["_controller":protected] => string(5) "error"
                      ["_controllerKey":protected] => string(10) "controller"
                      ["_action":protected] => string(8) "critical"
                      ["_actionKey":protected] => string(6) "action"
                    [1] => object(Zend_Controller_Response_Http)#45 (8) {
                      ["_body":protected] => array(1) {
                        ["default"] => string(0) ""
                      ["_exceptions":protected] => array(1) {
                        [0] => *RECURSION*
                      ["_headers":protected] => array(0) {
                      ["_headersRaw":protected] => array(0) {
                      ["_httpResponseCode":protected] => int(200)
                      ["_isRedirect":protected] => bool(false)
                      ["_renderExceptions":protected] => bool(false)
                      ["headersSentThrowsException"] => bool(true)
                [8] => array(6) {
                  ["file"] => string(87) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Application/Bootstrap/Bootstrap.php"
                  ["line"] => int(97)
                  ["function"] => string(8) "dispatch"
                  ["class"] => string(21) "Zend_Controller_Front"
                  ["type"] => string(2) "->"
                  ["args"] => array(0) {
                [9] => array(6) {
                  ["file"] => string(67) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Application.php"
                  ["line"] => int(366)
                  ["function"] => string(3) "run"
                  ["class"] => string(36) "Zend_Application_Bootstrap_Bootstrap"
                  ["type"] => string(2) "->"
                  ["args"] => array(0) {
                [10] => array(6) {
                  ["file"] => string(60) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/public_html/index.php"
                  ["line"] => int(65)
                  ["function"] => string(3) "run"
                  ["class"] => string(16) "Zend_Application"
                  ["type"] => string(2) "->"
                  ["args"] => array(0) {
              ["previous":"Exception":private] => NULL
            ["type"] => string(15) "EXCEPTION_OTHER"
            ["request"] => object(Zend_Controller_Request_Http)#104 (15) {
              ["_paramSources":protected] => array(2) {
                [0] => string(4) "_GET"
                [1] => string(5) "_POST"
              ["_requestUri":protected] => string(49) "/zarzadzanie/artykuly/prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl"
              ["_baseUrl":protected] => string(0) ""
              ["_basePath":protected] => NULL
              ["_pathInfo":protected] => string(49) "/zarzadzanie/artykuly/prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl"
              ["_params":protected] => array(4) {
                ["module"] => string(11) "zarzadzanie"
                ["controller"] => string(8) "artykuly"
                ["action"] => string(27) "prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl"
                ["msg"] => string(57) "Nie posiadasz uprawnień do zmiany ustawień zawartości."
              ["_rawBody":protected] => NULL
              ["_aliases":protected] => array(0) {
              ["_dispatched":protected] => bool(true)
              ["_module":protected] => string(7) "default"
              ["_moduleKey":protected] => string(6) "module"
              ["_controller":protected] => string(5) "error"
              ["_controllerKey":protected] => string(10) "controller"
              ["_action":protected] => string(5) "error"
              ["_actionKey":protected] => string(6) "action"
    [7] => array(6) {
      ["file"] => string(73) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Controller/Action.php"
      ["line"] => int(516)
      ["function"] => string(11) "errorAction"
      ["class"] => string(15) "ErrorController"
      ["type"] => string(2) "->"
      ["args"] => array(0) {
    [8] => array(6) {
      ["file"] => string(86) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Controller/Dispatcher/Standard.php"
      ["line"] => int(308)
      ["function"] => string(8) "dispatch"
      ["class"] => string(22) "Zend_Controller_Action"
      ["type"] => string(2) "->"
      ["args"] => array(1) {
        [0] => &string(11) "errorAction"
    [9] => array(6) {
      ["file"] => string(72) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Controller/Front.php"
      ["line"] => int(954)
      ["function"] => string(8) "dispatch"
      ["class"] => string(35) "Zend_Controller_Dispatcher_Standard"
      ["type"] => string(2) "->"
      ["args"] => array(2) {
        [0] => object(Zend_Controller_Request_Http)#44 (15) {
          ["_paramSources":protected] => array(2) {
            [0] => string(4) "_GET"
            [1] => string(5) "_POST"
          ["_requestUri":protected] => string(49) "/zarzadzanie/artykuly/prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl"
          ["_baseUrl":protected] => string(0) ""
          ["_basePath":protected] => NULL
          ["_pathInfo":protected] => string(49) "/zarzadzanie/artykuly/prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl"
          ["_params":protected] => array(5) {
            ["module"] => string(11) "zarzadzanie"
            ["controller"] => string(8) "artykuly"
            ["action"] => string(27) "prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl"
            ["msg"] => string(57) "Nie posiadasz uprawnień do zmiany ustawień zawartości."
            ["error_handler"] => object(ArrayObject)#105 (1) {
              ["storage":"ArrayObject":private] => array(3) {
                ["exception"] => object(Zend_Cache_Exception)#103 (8) {
                  ["_previous":"Zend_Exception":private] => NULL
                  ["message":protected] => string(102) "Invalid id or tag 'path_zarzadzanie_artykuly_prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl' : must use only [a-zA-Z0-9_]"
                  ["string":"Exception":private] => string(1734) "exception 'Zend_Cache_Exception' with message 'Invalid id or tag 'path_zarzadzanie_artykuly_prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl' : must use only [a-zA-Z0-9_]' in /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Cache.php:209
Stack trace:
#0 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Cache/Core.php(679): Zend_Cache::throwException('Invalid id or t...')
#1 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Cache/Core.php(358): Zend_Cache_Core::_validateIdOrTag('path_zarzadzani...')
#2 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/application/plugins/Cache.php(384): Zend_Cache_Core->save(false, 'path_zarzadzani...', Array, false, 8)
#3 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/application/models/Zarzadzanie/Menu.php(225): Plugin_Cache->save(false, 'path_zarzadzani...', Array)
#4 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/application/controllers/BaseController.php(222): Model_Zarzadzanie_Menu->pobierzSciezke(Array)
#5 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Controller/Action.php(521): BaseController->postDispatch()
#6 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Controller/Dispatcher/Standard.php(308): Zend_Controller_Action->dispatch('errorAction')
#7 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Controller/Front.php(954): Zend_Controller_Dispatcher_Standard->dispatch(Object(Zend_Controller_Request_Http), Object(Zend_Controller_Response_Http))
#8 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Application/Bootstrap/Bootstrap.php(97): Zend_Controller_Front->dispatch()
#9 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Application.php(366): Zend_Application_Bootstrap_Bootstrap->run()
#10 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/public_html/index.php(65): Zend_Application->run()
#11 {main}"
                  ["code":protected] => int(0)
                  ["file":protected] => string(61) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Cache.php"
                  ["line":protected] => int(209)
                  ["trace":"Exception":private] => array(11) {
                    [0] => array(6) {
                      ["file"] => string(66) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Cache/Core.php"
                      ["line"] => int(679)
                      ["function"] => string(14) "throwException"
                      ["class"] => string(10) "Zend_Cache"
                      ["type"] => string(2) "::"
                      ["args"] => array(1) {
                        [0] => string(102) "Invalid id or tag 'path_zarzadzanie_artykuly_prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl' : must use only [a-zA-Z0-9_]"
                    [1] => array(6) {
                      ["file"] => string(66) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Cache/Core.php"
                      ["line"] => int(358)
                      ["function"] => string(16) "_validateIdOrTag"
                      ["class"] => string(15) "Zend_Cache_Core"
                      ["type"] => string(2) "::"
                      ["args"] => array(1) {
                        [0] => string(53) "path_zarzadzanie_artykuly_prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl"
                    [2] => array(6) {
                      ["file"] => string(68) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/application/plugins/Cache.php"
                      ["line"] => int(384)
                      ["function"] => string(4) "save"
                      ["class"] => string(15) "Zend_Cache_Core"
                      ["type"] => string(2) "->"
                      ["args"] => array(5) {
                        [0] => bool(false)
                        [1] => string(53) "path_zarzadzanie_artykuly_prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl"
                        [2] => array(1) {
                          [0] => string(14) "navigationPath"
                        [3] => bool(false)
                        [4] => int(8)
                    [3] => array(6) {
                      ["file"] => string(78) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/application/models/Zarzadzanie/Menu.php"
                      ["line"] => int(225)
                      ["function"] => string(4) "save"
                      ["class"] => string(12) "Plugin_Cache"
                      ["type"] => string(2) "->"
                      ["args"] => array(3) {
                        [0] => bool(false)
                        [1] => string(53) "path_zarzadzanie_artykuly_prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl"
                        [2] => array(1) {
                          [0] => string(14) "navigationPath"
                    [4] => array(6) {
                      ["file"] => string(81) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/application/controllers/BaseController.php"
                      ["line"] => int(222)
                      ["function"] => string(14) "pobierzSciezke"
                      ["class"] => string(22) "Model_Zarzadzanie_Menu"
                      ["type"] => string(2) "->"
                      ["args"] => array(1) {
                        [0] => array(4) {
                          ["module"] => string(11) "zarzadzanie"
                          ["controller"] => string(8) "artykuly"
                          ["action"] => string(27) "prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl"
                          ["msg"] => string(57) "Nie posiadasz uprawnień do zmiany ustawień zawartości."
                    [5] => array(6) {
                      ["file"] => string(73) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Controller/Action.php"
                      ["line"] => int(521)
                      ["function"] => string(12) "postDispatch"
                      ["class"] => string(14) "BaseController"
                      ["type"] => string(2) "->"
                      ["args"] => array(0) {
                    [6] => array(6) {
                      ["file"] => string(86) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Controller/Dispatcher/Standard.php"
                      ["line"] => int(308)
                      ["function"] => string(8) "dispatch"
                      ["class"] => string(22) "Zend_Controller_Action"
                      ["type"] => string(2) "->"
                      ["args"] => array(1) {
                        [0] => string(11) "errorAction"
                    [7] => array(6) {
                      ["file"] => string(72) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Controller/Front.php"
                      ["line"] => int(954)
                      ["function"] => string(8) "dispatch"
                      ["class"] => string(35) "Zend_Controller_Dispatcher_Standard"
                      ["type"] => string(2) "->"
                      ["args"] => array(2) {
                        [0] => *RECURSION*
                        [1] => object(Zend_Controller_Response_Http)#45 (8) {
                          ["_body":protected] => array(1) {
                            ["default"] => string(0) ""
                          ["_exceptions":protected] => array(1) {
                            [0] => *RECURSION*
                          ["_headers":protected] => array(0) {
                          ["_headersRaw":protected] => array(0) {
                          ["_httpResponseCode":protected] => int(200)
                          ["_isRedirect":protected] => bool(false)
                          ["_renderExceptions":protected] => bool(false)
                          ["headersSentThrowsException"] => bool(true)
                    [8] => array(6) {
                      ["file"] => string(87) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Application/Bootstrap/Bootstrap.php"
                      ["line"] => int(97)
                      ["function"] => string(8) "dispatch"
                      ["class"] => string(21) "Zend_Controller_Front"
                      ["type"] => string(2) "->"
                      ["args"] => array(0) {
                    [9] => array(6) {
                      ["file"] => string(67) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Application.php"
                      ["line"] => int(366)
                      ["function"] => string(3) "run"
                      ["class"] => string(36) "Zend_Application_Bootstrap_Bootstrap"
                      ["type"] => string(2) "->"
                      ["args"] => array(0) {
                    [10] => array(6) {
                      ["file"] => string(60) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/public_html/index.php"
                      ["line"] => int(65)
                      ["function"] => string(3) "run"
                      ["class"] => string(16) "Zend_Application"
                      ["type"] => string(2) "->"
                      ["args"] => array(0) {
                  ["previous":"Exception":private] => NULL
                ["type"] => string(15) "EXCEPTION_OTHER"
                ["request"] => object(Zend_Controller_Request_Http)#104 (15) {
                  ["_paramSources":protected] => array(2) {
                    [0] => string(4) "_GET"
                    [1] => string(5) "_POST"
                  ["_requestUri":protected] => string(49) "/zarzadzanie/artykuly/prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl"
                  ["_baseUrl":protected] => string(0) ""
                  ["_basePath":protected] => NULL
                  ["_pathInfo":protected] => string(49) "/zarzadzanie/artykuly/prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl"
                  ["_params":protected] => array(4) {
                    ["module"] => string(11) "zarzadzanie"
                    ["controller"] => string(8) "artykuly"
                    ["action"] => string(27) "prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl"
                    ["msg"] => string(57) "Nie posiadasz uprawnień do zmiany ustawień zawartości."
                  ["_rawBody":protected] => NULL
                  ["_aliases":protected] => array(0) {
                  ["_dispatched":protected] => bool(true)
                  ["_module":protected] => string(7) "default"
                  ["_moduleKey":protected] => string(6) "module"
                  ["_controller":protected] => string(5) "error"
                  ["_controllerKey":protected] => string(10) "controller"
                  ["_action":protected] => string(5) "error"
                  ["_actionKey":protected] => string(6) "action"
          ["_rawBody":protected] => NULL
          ["_aliases":protected] => array(0) {
          ["_dispatched":protected] => bool(false)
          ["_module":protected] => string(7) "default"
          ["_moduleKey":protected] => string(6) "module"
          ["_controller":protected] => string(5) "error"
          ["_controllerKey":protected] => string(10) "controller"
          ["_action":protected] => string(8) "critical"
          ["_actionKey":protected] => string(6) "action"
        [1] => object(Zend_Controller_Response_Http)#45 (8) {
          ["_body":protected] => array(1) {
            ["default"] => string(0) ""
          ["_exceptions":protected] => array(1) {
            [0] => object(Zend_Cache_Exception)#103 (8) {
              ["_previous":"Zend_Exception":private] => NULL
              ["message":protected] => string(102) "Invalid id or tag 'path_zarzadzanie_artykuly_prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl' : must use only [a-zA-Z0-9_]"
              ["string":"Exception":private] => string(1734) "exception 'Zend_Cache_Exception' with message 'Invalid id or tag 'path_zarzadzanie_artykuly_prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl' : must use only [a-zA-Z0-9_]' in /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Cache.php:209
Stack trace:
#0 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Cache/Core.php(679): Zend_Cache::throwException('Invalid id or t...')
#1 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Cache/Core.php(358): Zend_Cache_Core::_validateIdOrTag('path_zarzadzani...')
#2 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/application/plugins/Cache.php(384): Zend_Cache_Core->save(false, 'path_zarzadzani...', Array, false, 8)
#3 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/application/models/Zarzadzanie/Menu.php(225): Plugin_Cache->save(false, 'path_zarzadzani...', Array)
#4 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/application/controllers/BaseController.php(222): Model_Zarzadzanie_Menu->pobierzSciezke(Array)
#5 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Controller/Action.php(521): BaseController->postDispatch()
#6 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Controller/Dispatcher/Standard.php(308): Zend_Controller_Action->dispatch('errorAction')
#7 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Controller/Front.php(954): Zend_Controller_Dispatcher_Standard->dispatch(Object(Zend_Controller_Request_Http), Object(Zend_Controller_Response_Http))
#8 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Application/Bootstrap/Bootstrap.php(97): Zend_Controller_Front->dispatch()
#9 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Application.php(366): Zend_Application_Bootstrap_Bootstrap->run()
#10 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/public_html/index.php(65): Zend_Application->run()
#11 {main}"
              ["code":protected] => int(0)
              ["file":protected] => string(61) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Cache.php"
              ["line":protected] => int(209)
              ["trace":"Exception":private] => array(11) {
                [0] => array(6) {
                  ["file"] => string(66) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Cache/Core.php"
                  ["line"] => int(679)
                  ["function"] => string(14) "throwException"
                  ["class"] => string(10) "Zend_Cache"
                  ["type"] => string(2) "::"
                  ["args"] => array(1) {
                    [0] => string(102) "Invalid id or tag 'path_zarzadzanie_artykuly_prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl' : must use only [a-zA-Z0-9_]"
                [1] => array(6) {
                  ["file"] => string(66) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Cache/Core.php"
                  ["line"] => int(358)
                  ["function"] => string(16) "_validateIdOrTag"
                  ["class"] => string(15) "Zend_Cache_Core"
                  ["type"] => string(2) "::"
                  ["args"] => array(1) {
                    [0] => string(53) "path_zarzadzanie_artykuly_prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl"
                [2] => array(6) {
                  ["file"] => string(68) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/application/plugins/Cache.php"
                  ["line"] => int(384)
                  ["function"] => string(4) "save"
                  ["class"] => string(15) "Zend_Cache_Core"
                  ["type"] => string(2) "->"
                  ["args"] => array(5) {
                    [0] => bool(false)
                    [1] => string(53) "path_zarzadzanie_artykuly_prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl"
                    [2] => array(1) {
                      [0] => string(14) "navigationPath"
                    [3] => bool(false)
                    [4] => int(8)
                [3] => array(6) {
                  ["file"] => string(78) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/application/models/Zarzadzanie/Menu.php"
                  ["line"] => int(225)
                  ["function"] => string(4) "save"
                  ["class"] => string(12) "Plugin_Cache"
                  ["type"] => string(2) "->"
                  ["args"] => array(3) {
                    [0] => bool(false)
                    [1] => string(53) "path_zarzadzanie_artykuly_prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl"
                    [2] => array(1) {
                      [0] => string(14) "navigationPath"
                [4] => array(6) {
                  ["file"] => string(81) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/application/controllers/BaseController.php"
                  ["line"] => int(222)
                  ["function"] => string(14) "pobierzSciezke"
                  ["class"] => string(22) "Model_Zarzadzanie_Menu"
                  ["type"] => string(2) "->"
                  ["args"] => array(1) {
                    [0] => array(4) {
                      ["module"] => string(11) "zarzadzanie"
                      ["controller"] => string(8) "artykuly"
                      ["action"] => string(27) "prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl"
                      ["msg"] => string(57) "Nie posiadasz uprawnień do zmiany ustawień zawartości."
                [5] => array(6) {
                  ["file"] => string(73) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Controller/Action.php"
                  ["line"] => int(521)
                  ["function"] => string(12) "postDispatch"
                  ["class"] => string(14) "BaseController"
                  ["type"] => string(2) "->"
                  ["args"] => array(0) {
                [6] => array(6) {
                  ["file"] => string(86) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Controller/Dispatcher/Standard.php"
                  ["line"] => int(308)
                  ["function"] => string(8) "dispatch"
                  ["class"] => string(22) "Zend_Controller_Action"
                  ["type"] => string(2) "->"
                  ["args"] => array(1) {
                    [0] => string(11) "errorAction"
                [7] => array(6) {
                  ["file"] => string(72) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Controller/Front.php"
                  ["line"] => int(954)
                  ["function"] => string(8) "dispatch"
                  ["class"] => string(35) "Zend_Controller_Dispatcher_Standard"
                  ["type"] => string(2) "->"
                  ["args"] => array(2) {
                    [0] => object(Zend_Controller_Request_Http)#44 (15) {
                      ["_paramSources":protected] => array(2) {
                        [0] => string(4) "_GET"
                        [1] => string(5) "_POST"
                      ["_requestUri":protected] => string(49) "/zarzadzanie/artykuly/prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl"
                      ["_baseUrl":protected] => string(0) ""
                      ["_basePath":protected] => NULL
                      ["_pathInfo":protected] => string(49) "/zarzadzanie/artykuly/prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl"
                      ["_params":protected] => array(5) {
                        ["module"] => string(11) "zarzadzanie"
                        ["controller"] => string(8) "artykuly"
                        ["action"] => string(27) "prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl"
                        ["msg"] => string(57) "Nie posiadasz uprawnień do zmiany ustawień zawartości."
                        ["error_handler"] => object(ArrayObject)#105 (1) {
                          ["storage":"ArrayObject":private] => array(3) {
                            ["exception"] => *RECURSION*
                            ["type"] => string(15) "EXCEPTION_OTHER"
                            ["request"] => object(Zend_Controller_Request_Http)#104 (15) {
                              ["_paramSources":protected] => array(2) {
                                [0] => string(4) "_GET"
                                [1] => string(5) "_POST"
                              ["_requestUri":protected] => string(49) "/zarzadzanie/artykuly/prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl"
                              ["_baseUrl":protected] => string(0) ""
                              ["_basePath":protected] => NULL
                              ["_pathInfo":protected] => string(49) "/zarzadzanie/artykuly/prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl"
                              ["_params":protected] => array(4) {
                                ["module"] => string(11) "zarzadzanie"
                                ["controller"] => string(8) "artykuly"
                                ["action"] => string(27) "prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl"
                                ["msg"] => string(57) "Nie posiadasz uprawnień do zmiany ustawień zawartości."
                              ["_rawBody":protected] => NULL
                              ["_aliases":protected] => array(0) {
                              ["_dispatched":protected] => bool(true)
                              ["_module":protected] => string(7) "default"
                              ["_moduleKey":protected] => string(6) "module"
                              ["_controller":protected] => string(5) "error"
                              ["_controllerKey":protected] => string(10) "controller"
                              ["_action":protected] => string(5) "error"
                              ["_actionKey":protected] => string(6) "action"
                      ["_rawBody":protected] => NULL
                      ["_aliases":protected] => array(0) {
                      ["_dispatched":protected] => bool(false)
                      ["_module":protected] => string(7) "default"
                      ["_moduleKey":protected] => string(6) "module"
                      ["_controller":protected] => string(5) "error"
                      ["_controllerKey":protected] => string(10) "controller"
                      ["_action":protected] => string(8) "critical"
                      ["_actionKey":protected] => string(6) "action"
                    [1] => *RECURSION*
                [8] => array(6) {
                  ["file"] => string(87) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Application/Bootstrap/Bootstrap.php"
                  ["line"] => int(97)
                  ["function"] => string(8) "dispatch"
                  ["class"] => string(21) "Zend_Controller_Front"
                  ["type"] => string(2) "->"
                  ["args"] => array(0) {
                [9] => array(6) {
                  ["file"] => string(67) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Application.php"
                  ["line"] => int(366)
                  ["function"] => string(3) "run"
                  ["class"] => string(36) "Zend_Application_Bootstrap_Bootstrap"
                  ["type"] => string(2) "->"
                  ["args"] => array(0) {
                [10] => array(6) {
                  ["file"] => string(60) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/public_html/index.php"
                  ["line"] => int(65)
                  ["function"] => string(3) "run"
                  ["class"] => string(16) "Zend_Application"
                  ["type"] => string(2) "->"
                  ["args"] => array(0) {
              ["previous":"Exception":private] => NULL
          ["_headers":protected] => array(0) {
          ["_headersRaw":protected] => array(0) {
          ["_httpResponseCode":protected] => int(200)
          ["_isRedirect":protected] => bool(false)
          ["_renderExceptions":protected] => bool(false)
          ["headersSentThrowsException"] => bool(true)
    [10] => array(6) {
      ["file"] => string(87) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Application/Bootstrap/Bootstrap.php"
      ["line"] => int(97)
      ["function"] => string(8) "dispatch"
      ["class"] => string(21) "Zend_Controller_Front"
      ["type"] => string(2) "->"
      ["args"] => array(0) {
    [11] => array(6) {
      ["file"] => string(67) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Application.php"
      ["line"] => int(366)
      ["function"] => string(3) "run"
      ["class"] => string(36) "Zend_Application_Bootstrap_Bootstrap"
      ["type"] => string(2) "->"
      ["args"] => array(0) {
    [12] => array(6) {
      ["file"] => string(60) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/public_html/index.php"
      ["line"] => int(65)
      ["function"] => string(3) "run"
      ["class"] => string(16) "Zend_Application"
      ["type"] => string(2) "->"
      ["args"] => array(0) {
  ["previous":"Exception":private] => NULL
object(Zend_Mail_Protocol_Exception)#136 (8) {
  ["_previous":"Zend_Exception":private] => NULL
  ["message":protected] => string(21) "Could not open socket"
  ["string":"Exception":private] => string(0) ""
  ["code":protected] => int(0)
  ["file":protected] => string(78) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Mail/Protocol/Abstract.php"
  ["line":protected] => int(277)
  ["trace":"Exception":private] => array(13) {
    [0] => array(6) {
      ["file"] => string(74) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Mail/Protocol/Smtp.php"
      ["line"] => int(167)
      ["function"] => string(8) "_connect"
      ["class"] => string(27) "Zend_Mail_Protocol_Abstract"
      ["type"] => string(2) "->"
      ["args"] => array(1) {
        [0] => string(23) "ssl://firmylesne.pl:587"
    [1] => array(6) {
      ["file"] => string(75) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Mail/Transport/Smtp.php"
      ["line"] => int(199)
      ["function"] => string(7) "connect"
      ["class"] => string(23) "Zend_Mail_Protocol_Smtp"
      ["type"] => string(2) "->"
      ["args"] => array(0) {
    [2] => array(6) {
      ["file"] => string(79) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Mail/Transport/Abstract.php"
      ["line"] => int(348)
      ["function"] => string(9) "_sendMail"
      ["class"] => string(24) "Zend_Mail_Transport_Smtp"
      ["type"] => string(2) "->"
      ["args"] => array(0) {
    [3] => array(6) {
      ["file"] => string(60) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Mail.php"
      ["line"] => int(1194)
      ["function"] => string(4) "send"
      ["class"] => string(28) "Zend_Mail_Transport_Abstract"
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      ["args"] => array(1) {
        [0] => object(Zend_Mail_InlineImages)#114 (18) {
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              [0] => string(23) "and.kowalczuk@gmail.com"
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              [0] => string(60) "=?UTF-8?Q?B=C5=82=C4=85d=20Aplikacji?= <bledy@firmylesne.pl>"
              ["append"] => bool(true)
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              [0] => string(81) "=?UTF-8?Q?Wyst=C4=85pi=C5=82=20b=C5=82=C4=85d=20aplikacji=20!=20(firmylesne.pl)?="
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              [0] => string(31) "Tue, 17 Sep 2024 01:20:29 +0200"
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          ["_from":protected] => string(19) "bledy@firmylesne.pl"
          ["_to":protected] => array(1) {
            [0] => string(23) "and.kowalczuk@gmail.com"
          ["_recipients":protected] => array(1) {
            ["and.kowalczuk@gmail.com"] => int(1)
          ["_replyTo":protected] => NULL
          ["_returnPath":protected] => NULL
          ["_subject":protected] => string(81) "=?UTF-8?Q?Wyst=C4=85pi=C5=82=20b=C5=82=C4=85d=20aplikacji=20!=20(firmylesne.pl)?="
          ["_date":protected] => string(31) "Tue, 17 Sep 2024 01:20:29 +0200"
          ["_messageId":protected] => NULL
          ["_bodyText":protected] => bool(false)
          ["_bodyHtml":protected] => object(Zend_Mime_Part)#126 (12) {
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            ["_content":protected] => string(9383) "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional //EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"><meta name="viewport" content="width=320, target-densitydpi=device-dpi">
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            .ReadMsgBody { width: 100%; }
            .ExternalClass { width: 100%; display:block !important; } /* Force Hotmail to display emails at full width */
            /* Reset Styles */
            /* Add 100px so mobile switch bar doesn't cover street address. */
            body { background-color: #ececec; margin: 0; padding: 0; }
            img { outline: none; text-decoration: none; display: block;}
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            /* Preferably not the same color as the normal header link color. There is limited support for psuedo classes in email clients, this was added just for good measure. */  
            table td, table tr { border-collapse: collapse; }
            .header { font-size: 18px; font-weight: bold; color: #70A351; }
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                                <td bgcolor="#70A351" style="border-top-left-radius: 4px; border-top-right-radius: 4px; background: #70A351;">
                                    <div style="position: relative; width: 100%; height: 165px !important; max-height: 165px !important; overflow: hidden;">
                                        <center><img src="http://firmylesne.pl/images/firmylesne.png"/></center>
                                <td bgcolor="#fff" style="background: #fff; padding: 20px;">
                <td>() nieokreślony</td>
                <td>CCBot/2.0 (https://commoncrawl.org/faq/)</td>
                <td><a href="http://firmylesne.pl/zarzadzanie/artykuly/prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl">http://firmylesne.pl/zarzadzanie/artykuly/prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl</a></td>
                <td>exception 'Zend_Cache_Exception' with message 'Invalid id or tag 'path_zarzadzanie_artykuly_prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl' : must use only [a-zA-Z0-9_]' in /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Cache.php:209<br />
Stack trace:<br />
#0 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Cache/Core.php(679): Zend_Cache::throwException('Invalid id or t...')<br />
#1 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Cache/Core.php(358): Zend_Cache_Core::_validateIdOrTag('path_zarzadzani...')<br />
#2 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/application/plugins/Cache.php(384): Zend_Cache_Core->save(false, 'path_zarzadzani...', Array, false, 8)<br />
#3 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/application/models/Zarzadzanie/Menu.php(225): Plugin_Cache->save(false, 'path_zarzadzani...', Array)<br />
#4 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/application/controllers/BaseController.php(222): Model_Zarzadzanie_Menu->pobierzSciezke(Array)<br />
#5 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Controller/Action.php(521): BaseController->postDispatch()<br />
#6 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Controller/Dispatcher/Standard.php(308): Zend_Controller_Action->dispatch('errorAction')<br />
#7 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Controller/Front.php(954): Zend_Controller_Dispatcher_Standard->dispatch(Object(Zend_Controller_Request_Http), Object(Zend_Controller_Response_Http))<br />
#8 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Application/Bootstrap/Bootstrap.php(97): Zend_Controller_Front->dispatch()<br />
#9 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Application.php(366): Zend_Application_Bootstrap_Bootstrap->run()<br />
#10 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/public_html/index.php(65): Zend_Application->run()<br />
#11 {main}</td>
                <td><pre>array (
  'module' => 'zarzadzanie',
  'controller' => 'artykuly',
  'action' => 'prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl',
  'msg' => 'Nie posiadasz uprawnień do zmiany ustawień zawartości.',
                <td><pre>array (
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  'REQUEST_SCHEME' => 'https',
  'REQUEST_URI' => '/zarzadzanie/artykuly/prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl',
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  'SCRIPT_URL' => '/zarzadzanie/artykuly/prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl',
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                <td><pre>array (
  '__ZF' => 
  array (
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    array (
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                                <td bgcolor="#70A351" style="padding: 10px 20px; color: #f0f0f0; border-bottom-left-radius: 4px; border-bottom-right-radius: 4px; background: #70A351;">
                                        Administrator serwisu <a href="http://firmylesne.pl">http://firmylesne.pl</a>
            ["_isStream":protected] => bool(false)
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    [4] => array(6) {
      ["file"] => string(67) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/application/models/Error.php"
      ["line"] => int(159)
      ["function"] => string(4) "send"
      ["class"] => string(9) "Zend_Mail"
      ["type"] => string(2) "->"
      ["args"] => array(1) {
        [0] => object(Zend_Mail_Transport_Smtp)#113 (15) {
          ["EOL"] => string(1) "
          ["_host":protected] => string(13) "firmylesne.pl"
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          ["_config":protected] => array(5) {
            ["auth"] => string(5) "login"
            ["username"] => string(19) "bledy@firmylesne.pl"
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            ["_username":protected] => string(19) "bledy@firmylesne.pl"
            ["_password":protected] => string(8) "g52mibV7"
            ["_transport":protected] => string(3) "ssl"
            ["_secure":protected] => string(3) "ssl"
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            ["_host":protected] => string(13) "firmylesne.pl"
            ["_port":protected] => string(3) "587"
            ["_validHost":protected] => object(Zend_Validate)#133 (3) {
              ["_validators":protected] => array(1) {
                [0] => array(2) {
                  ["instance"] => object(Zend_Validate_Hostname)#134 (13) {
                    ["_messageTemplates":protected] => array(11) {
                      ["hostnameCannotDecodePunycode"] => string(88) "'%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but the given punycode notation cannot be decoded"
                      ["hostnameInvalid"] => string(35) "Invalid type given. String expected"
                      ["hostnameDashCharacter"] => string(81) "'%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but contains a dash in an invalid position"
                      ["hostnameInvalidHostname"] => string(66) "'%value%' does not match the expected structure for a DNS hostname"
                      ["hostnameInvalidHostnameSchema"] => string(95) "'%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but cannot match against hostname schema for TLD '%tld%'"
                      ["hostnameInvalidLocalName"] => string(58) "'%value%' does not appear to be a valid local network name"
                      ["hostnameInvalidUri"] => string(52) "'%value%' does not appear to be a valid URI hostname"
                      ["hostnameIpAddressNotAllowed"] => string(71) "'%value%' appears to be an IP address, but IP addresses are not allowed"
                      ["hostnameLocalNameNotAllowed"] => string(84) "'%value%' appears to be a local network name but local network names are not allowed"
                      ["hostnameUndecipherableTld"] => string(66) "'%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but cannot extract TLD part"
                      ["hostnameUnknownTld"] => string(78) "'%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but cannot match TLD against known list"
                    ["_messageVariables":protected] => array(1) {
                      ["tld"] => string(4) "_tld"
                    ["_validTlds":protected] => array(271) {
                      [0] => string(2) "ac"
                      [1] => string(2) "ad"
                      [2] => string(2) "ae"
                      [3] => string(4) "aero"
                      [4] => string(2) "af"
                      [5] => string(2) "ag"
                      [6] => string(2) "ai"
                      [7] => string(2) "al"
                      [8] => string(2) "am"
                      [9] => string(2) "an"
                      [10] => string(2) "ao"
                      [11] => string(2) "aq"
                      [12] => string(2) "ar"
                      [13] => string(4) "arpa"
                      [14] => string(2) "as"
                      [15] => string(4) "asia"
                      [16] => string(2) "at"
                      [17] => string(2) "au"
                      [18] => string(2) "aw"
                      [19] => string(2) "ax"
                      [20] => string(2) "az"
                      [21] => string(2) "ba"
                      [22] => string(2) "bb"
                      [23] => string(2) "bd"
                      [24] => string(2) "be"
                      [25] => string(2) "bf"
                      [26] => string(2) "bg"
                      [27] => string(2) "bh"
                      [28] => string(2) "bi"
                      [29] => string(3) "biz"
                      [30] => string(2) "bj"
                      [31] => string(2) "bm"
                      [32] => string(2) "bn"
                      [33] => string(2) "bo"
                      [34] => string(2) "br"
                      [35] => string(2) "bs"
                      [36] => string(2) "bt"
                      [37] => string(2) "bv"
                      [38] => string(2) "bw"
                      [39] => string(2) "by"
                      [40] => string(2) "bz"
                      [41] => string(2) "ca"
                      [42] => string(3) "cat"
                      [43] => string(2) "cc"
                      [44] => string(2) "cd"
                      [45] => string(2) "cf"
                      [46] => string(2) "cg"
                      [47] => string(2) "ch"
                      [48] => string(2) "ci"
                      [49] => string(2) "ck"
                      [50] => string(2) "cl"
                      [51] => string(2) "cm"
                      [52] => string(2) "cn"
                      [53] => string(2) "co"
                      [54] => string(3) "com"
                      [55] => string(4) "coop"
                      [56] => string(2) "cr"
                      [57] => string(2) "cu"
                      [58] => string(2) "cv"
                      [59] => string(2) "cx"
                      [60] => string(2) "cy"
                      [61] => string(2) "cz"
                      [62] => string(2) "de"
                      [63] => string(2) "dj"
                      [64] => string(2) "dk"
                      [65] => string(2) "dm"
                      [66] => string(2) "do"
                      [67] => string(2) "dz"
                      [68] => string(2) "ec"
                      [69] => string(3) "edu"
                      [70] => string(2) "ee"
                      [71] => string(2) "eg"
                      [72] => string(2) "er"
                      [73] => string(2) "es"
                      [74] => string(2) "et"
                      [75] => string(2) "eu"
                      [76] => string(2) "fi"
                      [77] => string(2) "fj"
                      [78] => string(2) "fk"
                      [79] => string(2) "fm"
                      [80] => string(2) "fo"
                      [81] => string(2) "fr"
                      [82] => string(2) "ga"
                      [83] => string(2) "gb"
                      [84] => string(2) "gd"
                      [85] => string(2) "ge"
                      [86] => string(2) "gf"
                      [87] => string(2) "gg"
                      [88] => string(2) "gh"
                      [89] => string(2) "gi"
                      [90] => string(2) "gl"
                      [91] => string(2) "gm"
                      [92] => string(2) "gn"
                      [93] => string(3) "gov"
                      [94] => string(2) "gp"
                      [95] => string(2) "gq"
                      [96] => string(2) "gr"
                      [97] => string(2) "gs"
                      [98] => string(2) "gt"
                      [99] => string(2) "gu"
                      [100] => string(2) "gw"
                      [101] => string(2) "gy"
                      [102] => string(2) "hk"
                      [103] => string(2) "hm"
                      [104] => string(2) "hn"
                      [105] => string(2) "hr"
                      [106] => string(2) "ht"
                      [107] => string(2) "hu"
                      [108] => string(2) "id"
                      [109] => string(2) "ie"
                      [110] => string(2) "il"
                      [111] => string(2) "im"
                      [112] => string(2) "in"
                      [113] => string(4) "info"
                      [114] => string(3) "int"
                      [115] => string(2) "io"
                      [116] => string(2) "iq"
                      [117] => string(2) "ir"
                      [118] => string(2) "is"
                      [119] => string(2) "it"
                      [120] => string(2) "je"
                      [121] => string(2) "jm"
                      [122] => string(2) "jo"
                      [123] => string(4) "jobs"
                      [124] => string(2) "jp"
                      [125] => string(2) "ke"
                      [126] => string(2) "kg"
                      [127] => string(2) "kh"
                      [128] => string(2) "ki"
                      [129] => string(2) "km"
                      [130] => string(2) "kn"
                      [131] => string(2) "kp"
                      [132] => string(2) "kr"
                      [133] => string(2) "kw"
                      [134] => string(2) "ky"
                      [135] => string(2) "kz"
                      [136] => string(2) "la"
                      [137] => string(2) "lb"
                      [138] => string(2) "lc"
                      [139] => string(2) "li"
                      [140] => string(2) "lk"
                      [141] => string(2) "lr"
                      [142] => string(2) "ls"
                      [143] => string(2) "lt"
                      [144] => string(2) "lu"
                      [145] => string(2) "lv"
                      [146] => string(2) "ly"
                      [147] => string(2) "ma"
                      [148] => string(2) "mc"
                      [149] => string(2) "md"
                      [150] => string(2) "me"
                      [151] => string(2) "mg"
                      [152] => string(2) "mh"
                      [153] => string(3) "mil"
                      [154] => string(2) "mk"
                      [155] => string(2) "ml"
                      [156] => string(2) "mm"
                      [157] => string(2) "mn"
                      [158] => string(2) "mo"
                      [159] => string(4) "mobi"
                      [160] => string(2) "mp"
                      [161] => string(2) "mq"
                      [162] => string(2) "mr"
                      [163] => string(2) "ms"
                      [164] => string(2) "mt"
                      [165] => string(2) "mu"
                      [166] => string(6) "museum"
                      [167] => string(2) "mv"
                      [168] => string(2) "mw"
                      [169] => string(2) "mx"
                      [170] => string(2) "my"
                      [171] => string(2) "mz"
                      [172] => string(2) "na"
                      [173] => string(4) "name"
                      [174] => string(2) "nc"
                      [175] => string(2) "ne"
                      [176] => string(3) "net"
                      [177] => string(2) "nf"
                      [178] => string(2) "ng"
                      [179] => string(2) "ni"
                      [180] => string(2) "nl"
                      [181] => string(2) "no"
                      [182] => string(2) "np"
                      [183] => string(2) "nr"
                      [184] => string(2) "nu"
                      [185] => string(2) "nz"
                      [186] => string(2) "om"
                      [187] => string(3) "org"
                      [188] => string(2) "pa"
                      [189] => string(2) "pe"
                      [190] => string(2) "pf"
                      [191] => string(2) "pg"
                      [192] => string(2) "ph"
                      [193] => string(2) "pk"
                      [194] => string(2) "pl"
                      [195] => string(2) "pm"
                      [196] => string(2) "pn"
                      [197] => string(2) "pr"
                      [198] => string(3) "pro"
                      [199] => string(2) "ps"
                      [200] => string(2) "pt"
                      [201] => string(2) "pw"
                      [202] => string(2) "py"
                      [203] => string(2) "qa"
                      [204] => string(2) "re"
                      [205] => string(2) "ro"
                      [206] => string(2) "rs"
                      [207] => string(2) "ru"
                      [208] => string(2) "rw"
                      [209] => string(2) "sa"
                      [210] => string(2) "sb"
                      [211] => string(2) "sc"
                      [212] => string(2) "sd"
                      [213] => string(2) "se"
                      [214] => string(2) "sg"
                      [215] => string(2) "sh"
                      [216] => string(2) "si"
                      [217] => string(2) "sj"
                      [218] => string(2) "sk"
                      [219] => string(2) "sl"
                      [220] => string(2) "sm"
                      [221] => string(2) "sn"
                      [222] => string(2) "so"
                      [223] => string(2) "sr"
                      [224] => string(2) "st"
                      [225] => string(2) "su"
                      [226] => string(2) "sv"
                      [227] => string(2) "sy"
                      [228] => string(2) "sz"
                      [229] => string(2) "tc"
                      [230] => string(2) "td"
                      [231] => string(3) "tel"
                      [232] => string(2) "tf"
                      [233] => string(2) "tg"
                      [234] => string(2) "th"
                      [235] => string(2) "tj"
                      [236] => string(2) "tk"
                      [237] => string(2) "tl"
                      [238] => string(2) "tm"
                      [239] => string(2) "tn"
                      [240] => string(2) "to"
                      [241] => string(2) "tp"
                      [242] => string(2) "tr"
                      [243] => string(6) "travel"
                      [244] => string(2) "tt"
                      [245] => string(2) "tv"
                      [246] => string(2) "tw"
                      [247] => string(2) "tz"
                      [248] => string(2) "ua"
                      [249] => string(2) "ug"
                      [250] => string(2) "uk"
                      [251] => string(2) "um"
                      [252] => string(2) "us"
                      [253] => string(2) "uy"
                      [254] => string(2) "uz"
                      [255] => string(2) "va"
                      [256] => string(2) "vc"
                      [257] => string(2) "ve"
                      [258] => string(2) "vg"
                      [259] => string(2) "vi"
                      [260] => string(2) "vn"
                      [261] => string(2) "vu"
                      [262] => string(2) "wf"
                      [263] => string(2) "ws"
                      [264] => string(3) "xxx"
                      [265] => string(2) "ye"
                      [266] => string(2) "yt"
                      [267] => string(2) "yu"
                      [268] => string(2) "za"
                      [269] => string(2) "zm"
                      [270] => string(2) "zw"
                    ["_tld":protected] => string(2) "pl"
                    ["_validIdns":protected] => array(53) {
                      ["AC"] => array(1) {
                        [1] => string(144) "/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-öø-ÿāăąćĉċčďđēėęěĝġģĥħīįĵķĺļľŀłńņňŋőœŕŗřśŝşšţťŧūŭůűųŵŷźżž]{1,63}$/iu"
                      ["AR"] => array(1) {
                        [1] => string(49) "/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-ãç-êìíñ-õü]{1,63}$/iu"
                      ["AS"] => array(1) {
                        [1] => string(158) "/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-öø-ÿāăąćĉċčďđēĕėęěĝğġģĥħĩīĭįıĵķĸĺļľłńņňŋōŏőœŕŗřśŝşšţťŧũūŭůűųŵŷźż]{1,63}$/iu"
                      ["AT"] => array(1) {
                        [1] => string(44) "/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-öø-ÿœšž]{1,63}$/iu"
                      ["BIZ"] => string(16) "Hostname/Biz.php"
                      ["BR"] => array(1) {
                        [1] => string(48) "/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-ãçéíó-õúü]{1,63}$/iu"
                      ["BV"] => array(1) {
                        [1] => string(64) "/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zàáä-éêñ-ôöøüčđńŋšŧž]{1,63}$/iu"
                      ["CAT"] => array(1) {
                        [1] => string(49) "/^[\x{002d}0-9a-z·àç-éíïòóúü]{1,63}$/iu"
                      ["CH"] => array(1) {
                        [1] => string(40) "/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-öø-ÿœ]{1,63}$/iu"
                      ["CL"] => array(1) {
                        [1] => string(42) "/^[\x{002d}0-9a-záéíñóúü]{1,63}$/iu"
                      ["CN"] => string(15) "Hostname/Cn.php"
                      ["COM"] => string(30) "Zend/Validate/Hostname/Com.php"
                      ["DE"] => array(1) {
                        [1] => string(160) "/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-öø-ÿăąāćĉčċďđĕěėęēğĝġģĥħĭĩįīıĵķĺľļłńňņŋŏőōœĸŕřŗśŝšşťţŧŭůűũųūŵŷźžż]{1,63}$/iu"
                      ["DK"] => array(1) {
                        [1] => string(42) "/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zäéöüæøå]{1,63}$/iu"
                      ["ES"] => array(1) {
                        [1] => string(54) "/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zàáçèéíïñòóúü·]{1,63}$/iu"
                      ["EU"] => array(6) {
                        [1] => string(38) "/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-öø-ÿ]{1,63}$/iu"
                        [2] => string(148) "/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zāăąćĉċčďđēĕėęěĝğġģĥħĩīĭįıĵķĺļľŀłńņňʼnŋōŏőœŕŗřśŝšťŧũūŭůűųŵŷźżž]{1,63}$/iu"
                        [3] => string(32) "/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zșț]{1,63}$/iu"
                        [4] => string(100) "/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zΐάέήίΰαβγδεζηθικλμνξοπρςστυφχψωϊϋόύώ]{1,63}$/iu"
                        [5] => string(92) "/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zабвгдежзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя]{1,63}$/iu"
                        [6] => string(166) "/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zἀ-ἇἐ-ἕἠ-ἧἰ-ἷὀ-ὅὐ-ὗὠ-ὧὰ-ώᾀ-ᾇᾐ-ᾗᾠ-ᾧᾰ-ᾴᾶᾷῂῃῄῆῇῐ-ΐῖῗῠ-ῧῲῳῴῶῷ]{1,63}$/iu"
                      ["FI"] => array(1) {
                        [1] => string(34) "/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zäåö]{1,63}$/iu"
                      ["GR"] => array(1) {
                        [1] => string(166) "/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zΆΈΉΊΌΎ-ΡΣ-ώἀ-ἕἘ-Ἕἠ-ὅὈ-Ὅὐ-ὗὙὛὝὟ-ώᾀ-ᾴᾶ-ᾼῂῃῄῆ-ῌῐ-ΐῖ-Ίῠ-Ῥῲῳῴῶ-ῼ]{1,63}$/iu"
                      ["HK"] => string(29) "Zend/Validate/Hostname/Cn.php"
                      ["HU"] => array(1) {
                        [1] => string(46) "/^[\x{002d}0-9a-záéíóöúüőű]{1,63}$/iu"
                      ["INFO"] => array(8) {
                        [1] => string(42) "/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zäåæéöøü]{1,63}$/iu"
                        [2] => string(46) "/^[\x{002d}0-9a-záéíóöúüőű]{1,63}$/iu"
                        [3] => string(48) "/^[\x{002d}0-9a-záæéíðóöúýþ]{1,63}$/iu"
                        [4] => string(31) "/^[\x{AC00}-\x{D7A3}]{1,17}$/iu"
                        [5] => string(54) "/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zāčēģīķļņōŗšūž]{1,63}$/iu"
                        [6] => string(46) "/^[\x{002d}0-9a-ząčėęįšūųž]{1,63}$/iu"
                        [7] => string(46) "/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zóąćęłńśźż]{1,63}$/iu"
                        [8] => string(42) "/^[\x{002d}0-9a-záéíñóúü]{1,63}$/iu"
                      ["IO"] => array(1) {
                        [1] => string(160) "/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-öø-ÿăąāćĉčċďđĕěėęēğĝġģĥħĭĩįīıĵķĺľļłńňņŋŏőōœĸŕřŗśŝšşťţŧŭůűũųūŵŷźžż]{1,63}$/iu"
                      ["IS"] => array(1) {
                        [1] => string(48) "/^[\x{002d}0-9a-záéýúíóþæöð]{1,63}$/iu"
                      ["JP"] => string(29) "Zend/Validate/Hostname/Jp.php"
                      ["KR"] => array(1) {
                        [1] => string(31) "/^[\x{AC00}-\x{D7A3}]{1,17}$/iu"
                      ["LI"] => array(1) {
                        [1] => string(40) "/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-öø-ÿœ]{1,63}$/iu"
                      ["LT"] => array(1) {
                        [1] => string(43) "/^[\x{002d}0-9ąčęėįšųūž]{1,63}$/iu"
                      ["MD"] => array(1) {
                        [1] => string(35) "/^[\x{002d}0-9ăâîşţ]{1,63}$/iu"
                      ["MUSEUM"] => array(1) {
                        [1] => string(198) "/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zà-öø-ÿāăąćċčďđēėęěğġģħīįıķĺļľłńņňŋōőœŕŗřśşšţťŧūůűųŵŷźżžǎǐǒǔ\x{01E5}\x{01E7}\x{01E9}\x{01EF}ə\x{0292}ẁẃẅỳ]{1,63}$/iu"
                      ["NET"] => string(30) "Zend/Validate/Hostname/Com.php"
                      ["NO"] => array(1) {
                        [1] => string(64) "/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zàáä-éêñ-ôöøüčđńŋšŧž]{1,63}$/iu"
                      ["NU"] => string(30) "Zend/Validate/Hostname/Com.php"
                      ["ORG"] => array(7) {
                        [1] => string(42) "/^[\x{002d}0-9a-záéíñóúü]{1,63}$/iu"
                        [2] => string(46) "/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zóąćęłńśźż]{1,63}$/iu"
                        [3] => string(58) "/^[\x{002d}0-9a-záäåæéëíðóöøúüýþ]{1,63}$/iu"
                        [4] => string(46) "/^[\x{002d}0-9a-záéíóöúüőű]{1,63}$/iu"
                        [5] => string(46) "/^[\x{002d}0-9a-ząčėęįšūųž]{1,63}$/iu"
                        [6] => string(31) "/^[\x{AC00}-\x{D7A3}]{1,17}$/iu"
                        [7] => string(54) "/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zāčēģīķļņōŗšūž]{1,63}$/iu"
                      ["PE"] => array(1) {
                        [1] => string(42) "/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zñáéíóúü]{1,63}$/iu"
                      ["PL"] => array(33) {
                        [1] => string(54) "/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zāčēģīķļņōŗšūž]{1,63}$/iu"
                        [2] => string(54) "/^[\x{002d}а-ик-ш\x{0450}ѓѕјљњќџ]{1,63}$/iu"
                        [3] => string(38) "/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zâîăşţ]{1,63}$/iu"
                        [4] => string(40) "/^[\x{002d}0-9а-яё\x{04C2}]{1,63}$/iu"
                        [5] => string(66) "/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zàáâèéêìíîòóôùúûċġħż]{1,63}$/iu"
                        [6] => string(52) "/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zàäåæéêòóôöøü]{1,63}$/iu"
                        [7] => string(46) "/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zóąćęłńśźż]{1,63}$/iu"
                        [8] => string(56) "/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zàáâãçéêíòóôõúü]{1,63}$/iu"
                        [9] => string(38) "/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zâîăşţ]{1,63}$/iu"
                        [10] => string(62) "/^[\x{002d}0-9a-záäéíóôúýčďĺľňŕšťž]{1,63}$/iu"
                        [11] => string(32) "/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zçë]{1,63}$/iu"
                        [12] => string(47) "/^[\x{002d}0-9а-ик-шђјљњћџ]{1,63}$/iu"
                        [13] => string(38) "/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zćčđšž]{1,63}$/iu"
                        [14] => string(44) "/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zâçöûüğış]{1,63}$/iu"
                        [15] => string(42) "/^[\x{002d}0-9a-záéíñóúü]{1,63}$/iu"
                        [16] => string(40) "/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zäõöüšž]{1,63}$/iu"
                        [17] => string(40) "/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zĉĝĥĵŝŭ]{1,63}$/iu"
                        [18] => string(40) "/^[\x{002d}0-9a-zâäéëîô]{1,63}$/iu"
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                        [23] => string(32) "/^[\x{002d}0-9ΐά-ώ]{1,63}$/iu"
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arka:</td>=0A                <td>CCBot/2.0 (https://commoncrawl.org/faq/=
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d>exception 'Zend_Cache_Exception' with message 'Invalid id or tag 'path=
_zarzadzanie_artykuly_prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl' : must use only [a-zA=
-Z0-9_]' in /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Cache.ph=
p:209<br />=0AStack trace:<br />=0A#0 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesn=
e.pl/library/Zend/Cache/Core.php(679): Zend_Cache::throwException('Inval=
id id or t...')<br />=0A#1 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/librar=
y/Zend/Cache/Core.php(358): Zend_Cache_Core::_validateIdOrTag('path_zarz=
adzani...')<br />=0A#2 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/applicatio=
n/plugins/Cache.php(384): Zend_Cache_Core->save(false, 'path_zarzadzani.=
..', Array, false, 8)<br />=0A#3 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/=
application/models/Zarzadzanie/Menu.php(225): Plugin_Cache->save(false,=
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esne.pl/application/controllers/BaseController.php(222): Model_Zarzadzan=
ie_Menu->pobierzSciezke(Array)<br />=0A#5 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmy=
lesne.pl/library/Zend/Controller/Action.php(521): BaseController->postDi=
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ry/Zend/Controller/Front.php(954): Zend_Controller_Dispatcher_Standard->=
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> 'artykuly',=0A  'action' =3D> 'prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl',=0A  'msg'=
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=9Bci.',=0A)</pre></td>=0A            </tr>=0A            <tr>=0A      =
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              ["and.kowalczuk@gmail.com"] => int(1)
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            /* Preferably not the same color as the normal header link color. There is limited support for psuedo classes in email clients, this was added just for good measure. */  
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                                <td bgcolor="#fff" style="background: #fff; padding: 20px;">
                <td>() nieokreślony</td>
                <td>CCBot/2.0 (https://commoncrawl.org/faq/)</td>
                <td><a href="http://firmylesne.pl/zarzadzanie/artykuly/prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl">http://firmylesne.pl/zarzadzanie/artykuly/prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl</a></td>
                <td>exception 'Zend_Cache_Exception' with message 'Invalid id or tag 'path_zarzadzanie_artykuly_prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl' : must use only [a-zA-Z0-9_]' in /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Cache.php:209<br />
Stack trace:<br />
#0 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Cache/Core.php(679): Zend_Cache::throwException('Invalid id or t...')<br />
#1 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Cache/Core.php(358): Zend_Cache_Core::_validateIdOrTag('path_zarzadzani...')<br />
#2 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/application/plugins/Cache.php(384): Zend_Cache_Core->save(false, 'path_zarzadzani...', Array, false, 8)<br />
#3 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/application/models/Zarzadzanie/Menu.php(225): Plugin_Cache->save(false, 'path_zarzadzani...', Array)<br />
#4 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/application/controllers/BaseController.php(222): Model_Zarzadzanie_Menu->pobierzSciezke(Array)<br />
#5 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Controller/Action.php(521): BaseController->postDispatch()<br />
#6 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Controller/Dispatcher/Standard.php(308): Zend_Controller_Action->dispatch('errorAction')<br />
#7 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Controller/Front.php(954): Zend_Controller_Dispatcher_Standard->dispatch(Object(Zend_Controller_Request_Http), Object(Zend_Controller_Response_Http))<br />
#8 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Application/Bootstrap/Bootstrap.php(97): Zend_Controller_Front->dispatch()<br />
#9 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Application.php(366): Zend_Application_Bootstrap_Bootstrap->run()<br />
#10 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/public_html/index.php(65): Zend_Application->run()<br />
#11 {main}</td>
                <td><pre>array (
  'module' => 'zarzadzanie',
  'controller' => 'artykuly',
  'action' => 'prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl',
  'msg' => 'Nie posiadasz uprawnień do zmiany ustawień zawartości.',
                <td><pre>array (
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                                <td bgcolor="#70A351" style="padding: 10px 20px; color: #f0f0f0; border-bottom-left-radius: 4px; border-bottom-right-radius: 4px; background: #70A351;">
                                        Administrator serwisu <a href="http://firmylesne.pl">http://firmylesne.pl</a>
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            .ExternalClass { width: 100%; display:block !important; } /* Force Hotmail to display emails at full width */
            /* Reset Styles */
            /* Add 100px so mobile switch bar doesn't cover street address. */
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            /* Preferably not the same color as the normal header link color.  There is limited support for psuedo classes in email clients, this was added just for good measure. */
            h1 a:visited, h2 a:visited,  h3 a:visited, h4 a:visited, h5 a:visited, h6 a:visited { color: purple !important; }
            /* Preferably not the same color as the normal header link color. There is limited support for psuedo classes in email clients, this was added just for good measure. */  
            table td, table tr { border-collapse: collapse; }
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                                    <div style="position: relative; width: 100%; height: 165px !important; max-height: 165px !important; overflow: hidden;">
                                        <center><img src="http://firmylesne.pl/images/firmylesne.png"/></center>
                                <td bgcolor="#fff" style="background: #fff; padding: 20px;">
                <td>() nieokreślony</td>
                <td>CCBot/2.0 (https://commoncrawl.org/faq/)</td>
                <td><a href="http://firmylesne.pl/zarzadzanie/artykuly/prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl">http://firmylesne.pl/zarzadzanie/artykuly/prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl</a></td>
                <td>exception 'Zend_Cache_Exception' with message 'Invalid id or tag 'path_zarzadzanie_artykuly_prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl' : must use only [a-zA-Z0-9_]' in /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Cache.php:209<br />
Stack trace:<br />
#0 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Cache/Core.php(679): Zend_Cache::throwException('Invalid id or t...')<br />
#1 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Cache/Core.php(358): Zend_Cache_Core::_validateIdOrTag('path_zarzadzani...')<br />
#2 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/application/plugins/Cache.php(384): Zend_Cache_Core->save(false, 'path_zarzadzani...', Array, false, 8)<br />
#3 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/application/models/Zarzadzanie/Menu.php(225): Plugin_Cache->save(false, 'path_zarzadzani...', Array)<br />
#4 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/application/controllers/BaseController.php(222): Model_Zarzadzanie_Menu->pobierzSciezke(Array)<br />
#5 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Controller/Action.php(521): BaseController->postDispatch()<br />
#6 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Controller/Dispatcher/Standard.php(308): Zend_Controller_Action->dispatch('errorAction')<br />
#7 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Controller/Front.php(954): Zend_Controller_Dispatcher_Standard->dispatch(Object(Zend_Controller_Request_Http), Object(Zend_Controller_Response_Http))<br />
#8 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Application/Bootstrap/Bootstrap.php(97): Zend_Controller_Front->dispatch()<br />
#9 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Application.php(366): Zend_Application_Bootstrap_Bootstrap->run()<br />
#10 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/public_html/index.php(65): Zend_Application->run()<br />
#11 {main}</td>
                <td><pre>array (
  'module' => 'zarzadzanie',
  'controller' => 'artykuly',
  'action' => 'prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl',
  'msg' => 'Nie posiadasz uprawnień do zmiany ustawień zawartości.',
                <td><pre>array (
  'PATH' => '/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin',
  'LD_PRELOAD' => '/usr/local/lib/h88/av.so',
  'PHP_INI_SCAN_DIR' => ':/etc/configs/users/firmylesne/php/www.firmylesne.pl/',
  'HTTP_ACCEPT' => 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8',
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  'HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE' => 'en-US,en;q=0.5',
  'HTTP_HOST' => 'firmylesne.pl',
  'HTTP_USER_AGENT' => 'CCBot/2.0 (https://commoncrawl.org/faq/)',
  'DOCUMENT_ROOT' => '/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/private_html',
  'REMOTE_ADDR' => '',
  'REMOTE_PORT' => '37696',
  'SERVER_ADDR' => '',
  'SERVER_NAME' => 'firmylesne.pl',
  'SERVER_ADMIN' => 'webmaster@firmylesne.pl',
  'SERVER_PORT' => '443',
  'REQUEST_SCHEME' => 'https',
  'REQUEST_URI' => '/zarzadzanie/artykuly/prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl',
  'REDIRECT_URL' => '/zarzadzanie/artykuly/prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl',
  'HTTPS' => 'on',
  'REDIRECT_STATUS' => '200',
  'X_SPDY' => 'HTTP2',
  'SSL_PROTOCOL' => 'TLSv1.3',
  'SSL_CIPHER' => 'TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384',
  'SCRIPT_FILENAME' => '/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/private_html/index.php',
  'QUERY_STRING' => '',
  'SCRIPT_URI' => 'https://firmylesne.pl/zarzadzanie/artykuly/prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl',
  'SCRIPT_URL' => '/zarzadzanie/artykuly/prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl',
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  'X-LSCACHE' => 'on',
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  'REQUEST_TIME' => 1726528829,
                <td><pre>array (
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  array (
    'Default' => 
    array (
      'ENT' => 1726615229,
  'historia' => NULL,
                                <td bgcolor="#70A351" style="padding: 10px 20px; color: #f0f0f0; border-bottom-left-radius: 4px; border-bottom-right-radius: 4px; background: #70A351;">
                                        Administrator serwisu <a href="http://firmylesne.pl">http://firmylesne.pl</a>
              ["_isStream":protected] => bool(false)
          ["recipients"] => string(23) "and.kowalczuk@gmail.com"
    [5] => array(6) {
      ["file"] => string(67) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/application/models/Error.php"
      ["line"] => int(41)
      ["function"] => string(8) "logEmail"
      ["class"] => string(11) "Model_Error"
      ["type"] => string(2) "->"
      ["args"] => array(7) {
        [0] => &string(15) "EXCEPTION_OTHER"
        [1] => &NULL
        [2] => &string(13) "nieokreślony"
        [3] => &string(49) "/zarzadzanie/artykuly/prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl"
        [4] => &NULL
        [5] => object(Zend_Cache_Exception)#103 (8) {
          ["_previous":"Zend_Exception":private] => NULL
          ["message":protected] => string(102) "Invalid id or tag 'path_zarzadzanie_artykuly_prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl' : must use only [a-zA-Z0-9_]"
          ["string":"Exception":private] => string(1734) "exception 'Zend_Cache_Exception' with message 'Invalid id or tag 'path_zarzadzanie_artykuly_prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl' : must use only [a-zA-Z0-9_]' in /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Cache.php:209
Stack trace:
#0 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Cache/Core.php(679): Zend_Cache::throwException('Invalid id or t...')
#1 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Cache/Core.php(358): Zend_Cache_Core::_validateIdOrTag('path_zarzadzani...')
#2 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/application/plugins/Cache.php(384): Zend_Cache_Core->save(false, 'path_zarzadzani...', Array, false, 8)
#3 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/application/models/Zarzadzanie/Menu.php(225): Plugin_Cache->save(false, 'path_zarzadzani...', Array)
#4 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/application/controllers/BaseController.php(222): Model_Zarzadzanie_Menu->pobierzSciezke(Array)
#5 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Controller/Action.php(521): BaseController->postDispatch()
#6 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Controller/Dispatcher/Standard.php(308): Zend_Controller_Action->dispatch('errorAction')
#7 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Controller/Front.php(954): Zend_Controller_Dispatcher_Standard->dispatch(Object(Zend_Controller_Request_Http), Object(Zend_Controller_Response_Http))
#8 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Application/Bootstrap/Bootstrap.php(97): Zend_Controller_Front->dispatch()
#9 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Application.php(366): Zend_Application_Bootstrap_Bootstrap->run()
#10 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/public_html/index.php(65): Zend_Application->run()
#11 {main}"
          ["code":protected] => int(0)
          ["file":protected] => string(61) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Cache.php"
          ["line":protected] => int(209)
          ["trace":"Exception":private] => array(11) {
            [0] => array(6) {
              ["file"] => string(66) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Cache/Core.php"
              ["line"] => int(679)
              ["function"] => string(14) "throwException"
              ["class"] => string(10) "Zend_Cache"
              ["type"] => string(2) "::"
              ["args"] => array(1) {
                [0] => string(102) "Invalid id or tag 'path_zarzadzanie_artykuly_prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl' : must use only [a-zA-Z0-9_]"
            [1] => array(6) {
              ["file"] => string(66) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Cache/Core.php"
              ["line"] => int(358)
              ["function"] => string(16) "_validateIdOrTag"
              ["class"] => string(15) "Zend_Cache_Core"
              ["type"] => string(2) "::"
              ["args"] => array(1) {
                [0] => string(53) "path_zarzadzanie_artykuly_prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl"
            [2] => array(6) {
              ["file"] => string(68) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/application/plugins/Cache.php"
              ["line"] => int(384)
              ["function"] => string(4) "save"
              ["class"] => string(15) "Zend_Cache_Core"
              ["type"] => string(2) "->"
              ["args"] => array(5) {
                [0] => bool(false)
                [1] => string(53) "path_zarzadzanie_artykuly_prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl"
                [2] => array(1) {
                  [0] => string(14) "navigationPath"
                [3] => bool(false)
                [4] => int(8)
            [3] => array(6) {
              ["file"] => string(78) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/application/models/Zarzadzanie/Menu.php"
              ["line"] => int(225)
              ["function"] => string(4) "save"
              ["class"] => string(12) "Plugin_Cache"
              ["type"] => string(2) "->"
              ["args"] => array(3) {
                [0] => bool(false)
                [1] => string(53) "path_zarzadzanie_artykuly_prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl"
                [2] => array(1) {
                  [0] => string(14) "navigationPath"
            [4] => array(6) {
              ["file"] => string(81) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/application/controllers/BaseController.php"
              ["line"] => int(222)
              ["function"] => string(14) "pobierzSciezke"
              ["class"] => string(22) "Model_Zarzadzanie_Menu"
              ["type"] => string(2) "->"
              ["args"] => array(1) {
                [0] => array(4) {
                  ["module"] => string(11) "zarzadzanie"
                  ["controller"] => string(8) "artykuly"
                  ["action"] => string(27) "prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl"
                  ["msg"] => string(57) "Nie posiadasz uprawnień do zmiany ustawień zawartości."
            [5] => array(6) {
              ["file"] => string(73) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Controller/Action.php"
              ["line"] => int(521)
              ["function"] => string(12) "postDispatch"
              ["class"] => string(14) "BaseController"
              ["type"] => string(2) "->"
              ["args"] => array(0) {
            [6] => array(6) {
              ["file"] => string(86) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Controller/Dispatcher/Standard.php"
              ["line"] => int(308)
              ["function"] => string(8) "dispatch"
              ["class"] => string(22) "Zend_Controller_Action"
              ["type"] => string(2) "->"
              ["args"] => array(1) {
                [0] => string(11) "errorAction"
            [7] => array(6) {
              ["file"] => string(72) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Controller/Front.php"
              ["line"] => int(954)
              ["function"] => string(8) "dispatch"
              ["class"] => string(35) "Zend_Controller_Dispatcher_Standard"
              ["type"] => string(2) "->"
              ["args"] => array(2) {
                [0] => object(Zend_Controller_Request_Http)#44 (15) {
                  ["_paramSources":protected] => array(2) {
                    [0] => string(4) "_GET"
                    [1] => string(5) "_POST"
                  ["_requestUri":protected] => string(49) "/zarzadzanie/artykuly/prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl"
                  ["_baseUrl":protected] => string(0) ""
                  ["_basePath":protected] => NULL
                  ["_pathInfo":protected] => string(49) "/zarzadzanie/artykuly/prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl"
                  ["_params":protected] => array(5) {
                    ["module"] => string(11) "zarzadzanie"
                    ["controller"] => string(8) "artykuly"
                    ["action"] => string(27) "prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl"
                    ["msg"] => string(57) "Nie posiadasz uprawnień do zmiany ustawień zawartości."
                    ["error_handler"] => object(ArrayObject)#105 (1) {
                      ["storage":"ArrayObject":private] => array(3) {
                        ["exception"] => *RECURSION*
                        ["type"] => string(15) "EXCEPTION_OTHER"
                        ["request"] => object(Zend_Controller_Request_Http)#104 (15) {
                          ["_paramSources":protected] => array(2) {
                            [0] => string(4) "_GET"
                            [1] => string(5) "_POST"
                          ["_requestUri":protected] => string(49) "/zarzadzanie/artykuly/prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl"
                          ["_baseUrl":protected] => string(0) ""
                          ["_basePath":protected] => NULL
                          ["_pathInfo":protected] => string(49) "/zarzadzanie/artykuly/prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl"
                          ["_params":protected] => array(4) {
                            ["module"] => string(11) "zarzadzanie"
                            ["controller"] => string(8) "artykuly"
                            ["action"] => string(27) "prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl"
                            ["msg"] => string(57) "Nie posiadasz uprawnień do zmiany ustawień zawartości."
                          ["_rawBody":protected] => NULL
                          ["_aliases":protected] => array(0) {
                          ["_dispatched":protected] => bool(true)
                          ["_module":protected] => string(7) "default"
                          ["_moduleKey":protected] => string(6) "module"
                          ["_controller":protected] => string(5) "error"
                          ["_controllerKey":protected] => string(10) "controller"
                          ["_action":protected] => string(5) "error"
                          ["_actionKey":protected] => string(6) "action"
                  ["_rawBody":protected] => NULL
                  ["_aliases":protected] => array(0) {
                  ["_dispatched":protected] => bool(false)
                  ["_module":protected] => string(7) "default"
                  ["_moduleKey":protected] => string(6) "module"
                  ["_controller":protected] => string(5) "error"
                  ["_controllerKey":protected] => string(10) "controller"
                  ["_action":protected] => string(8) "critical"
                  ["_actionKey":protected] => string(6) "action"
                [1] => object(Zend_Controller_Response_Http)#45 (8) {
                  ["_body":protected] => array(1) {
                    ["default"] => string(0) ""
                  ["_exceptions":protected] => array(1) {
                    [0] => *RECURSION*
                  ["_headers":protected] => array(0) {
                  ["_headersRaw":protected] => array(0) {
                  ["_httpResponseCode":protected] => int(200)
                  ["_isRedirect":protected] => bool(false)
                  ["_renderExceptions":protected] => bool(false)
                  ["headersSentThrowsException"] => bool(true)
            [8] => array(6) {
              ["file"] => string(87) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Application/Bootstrap/Bootstrap.php"
              ["line"] => int(97)
              ["function"] => string(8) "dispatch"
              ["class"] => string(21) "Zend_Controller_Front"
              ["type"] => string(2) "->"
              ["args"] => array(0) {
            [9] => array(6) {
              ["file"] => string(67) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Application.php"
              ["line"] => int(366)
              ["function"] => string(3) "run"
              ["class"] => string(36) "Zend_Application_Bootstrap_Bootstrap"
              ["type"] => string(2) "->"
              ["args"] => array(0) {
            [10] => array(6) {
              ["file"] => string(60) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/public_html/index.php"
              ["line"] => int(65)
              ["function"] => string(3) "run"
              ["class"] => string(16) "Zend_Application"
              ["type"] => string(2) "->"
              ["args"] => array(0) {
          ["previous":"Exception":private] => NULL
        [6] => &array(4) {
          ["module"] => string(11) "zarzadzanie"
          ["controller"] => string(8) "artykuly"
          ["action"] => string(27) "prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl"
          ["msg"] => string(57) "Nie posiadasz uprawnień do zmiany ustawień zawartości."
    [6] => array(6) {
      ["file"] => string(82) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/application/controllers/ErrorController.php"
      ["line"] => int(56)
      ["function"] => string(8) "logError"
      ["class"] => string(11) "Model_Error"
      ["type"] => string(2) "->"
      ["args"] => array(1) {
        [0] => object(ArrayObject)#105 (1) {
          ["storage":"ArrayObject":private] => array(3) {
            ["exception"] => object(Zend_Cache_Exception)#103 (8) {
              ["_previous":"Zend_Exception":private] => NULL
              ["message":protected] => string(102) "Invalid id or tag 'path_zarzadzanie_artykuly_prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl' : must use only [a-zA-Z0-9_]"
              ["string":"Exception":private] => string(1734) "exception 'Zend_Cache_Exception' with message 'Invalid id or tag 'path_zarzadzanie_artykuly_prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl' : must use only [a-zA-Z0-9_]' in /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Cache.php:209
Stack trace:
#0 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Cache/Core.php(679): Zend_Cache::throwException('Invalid id or t...')
#1 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Cache/Core.php(358): Zend_Cache_Core::_validateIdOrTag('path_zarzadzani...')
#2 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/application/plugins/Cache.php(384): Zend_Cache_Core->save(false, 'path_zarzadzani...', Array, false, 8)
#3 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/application/models/Zarzadzanie/Menu.php(225): Plugin_Cache->save(false, 'path_zarzadzani...', Array)
#4 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/application/controllers/BaseController.php(222): Model_Zarzadzanie_Menu->pobierzSciezke(Array)
#5 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Controller/Action.php(521): BaseController->postDispatch()
#6 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Controller/Dispatcher/Standard.php(308): Zend_Controller_Action->dispatch('errorAction')
#7 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Controller/Front.php(954): Zend_Controller_Dispatcher_Standard->dispatch(Object(Zend_Controller_Request_Http), Object(Zend_Controller_Response_Http))
#8 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Application/Bootstrap/Bootstrap.php(97): Zend_Controller_Front->dispatch()
#9 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Application.php(366): Zend_Application_Bootstrap_Bootstrap->run()
#10 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/public_html/index.php(65): Zend_Application->run()
#11 {main}"
              ["code":protected] => int(0)
              ["file":protected] => string(61) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Cache.php"
              ["line":protected] => int(209)
              ["trace":"Exception":private] => array(11) {
                [0] => array(6) {
                  ["file"] => string(66) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Cache/Core.php"
                  ["line"] => int(679)
                  ["function"] => string(14) "throwException"
                  ["class"] => string(10) "Zend_Cache"
                  ["type"] => string(2) "::"
                  ["args"] => array(1) {
                    [0] => string(102) "Invalid id or tag 'path_zarzadzanie_artykuly_prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl' : must use only [a-zA-Z0-9_]"
                [1] => array(6) {
                  ["file"] => string(66) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Cache/Core.php"
                  ["line"] => int(358)
                  ["function"] => string(16) "_validateIdOrTag"
                  ["class"] => string(15) "Zend_Cache_Core"
                  ["type"] => string(2) "::"
                  ["args"] => array(1) {
                    [0] => string(53) "path_zarzadzanie_artykuly_prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl"
                [2] => array(6) {
                  ["file"] => string(68) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/application/plugins/Cache.php"
                  ["line"] => int(384)
                  ["function"] => string(4) "save"
                  ["class"] => string(15) "Zend_Cache_Core"
                  ["type"] => string(2) "->"
                  ["args"] => array(5) {
                    [0] => bool(false)
                    [1] => string(53) "path_zarzadzanie_artykuly_prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl"
                    [2] => array(1) {
                      [0] => string(14) "navigationPath"
                    [3] => bool(false)
                    [4] => int(8)
                [3] => array(6) {
                  ["file"] => string(78) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/application/models/Zarzadzanie/Menu.php"
                  ["line"] => int(225)
                  ["function"] => string(4) "save"
                  ["class"] => string(12) "Plugin_Cache"
                  ["type"] => string(2) "->"
                  ["args"] => array(3) {
                    [0] => bool(false)
                    [1] => string(53) "path_zarzadzanie_artykuly_prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl"
                    [2] => array(1) {
                      [0] => string(14) "navigationPath"
                [4] => array(6) {
                  ["file"] => string(81) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/application/controllers/BaseController.php"
                  ["line"] => int(222)
                  ["function"] => string(14) "pobierzSciezke"
                  ["class"] => string(22) "Model_Zarzadzanie_Menu"
                  ["type"] => string(2) "->"
                  ["args"] => array(1) {
                    [0] => array(4) {
                      ["module"] => string(11) "zarzadzanie"
                      ["controller"] => string(8) "artykuly"
                      ["action"] => string(27) "prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl"
                      ["msg"] => string(57) "Nie posiadasz uprawnień do zmiany ustawień zawartości."
                [5] => array(6) {
                  ["file"] => string(73) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Controller/Action.php"
                  ["line"] => int(521)
                  ["function"] => string(12) "postDispatch"
                  ["class"] => string(14) "BaseController"
                  ["type"] => string(2) "->"
                  ["args"] => array(0) {
                [6] => array(6) {
                  ["file"] => string(86) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Controller/Dispatcher/Standard.php"
                  ["line"] => int(308)
                  ["function"] => string(8) "dispatch"
                  ["class"] => string(22) "Zend_Controller_Action"
                  ["type"] => string(2) "->"
                  ["args"] => array(1) {
                    [0] => string(11) "errorAction"
                [7] => array(6) {
                  ["file"] => string(72) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Controller/Front.php"
                  ["line"] => int(954)
                  ["function"] => string(8) "dispatch"
                  ["class"] => string(35) "Zend_Controller_Dispatcher_Standard"
                  ["type"] => string(2) "->"
                  ["args"] => array(2) {
                    [0] => object(Zend_Controller_Request_Http)#44 (15) {
                      ["_paramSources":protected] => array(2) {
                        [0] => string(4) "_GET"
                        [1] => string(5) "_POST"
                      ["_requestUri":protected] => string(49) "/zarzadzanie/artykuly/prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl"
                      ["_baseUrl":protected] => string(0) ""
                      ["_basePath":protected] => NULL
                      ["_pathInfo":protected] => string(49) "/zarzadzanie/artykuly/prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl"
                      ["_params":protected] => array(5) {
                        ["module"] => string(11) "zarzadzanie"
                        ["controller"] => string(8) "artykuly"
                        ["action"] => string(27) "prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl"
                        ["msg"] => string(57) "Nie posiadasz uprawnień do zmiany ustawień zawartości."
                        ["error_handler"] => *RECURSION*
                      ["_rawBody":protected] => NULL
                      ["_aliases":protected] => array(0) {
                      ["_dispatched":protected] => bool(false)
                      ["_module":protected] => string(7) "default"
                      ["_moduleKey":protected] => string(6) "module"
                      ["_controller":protected] => string(5) "error"
                      ["_controllerKey":protected] => string(10) "controller"
                      ["_action":protected] => string(8) "critical"
                      ["_actionKey":protected] => string(6) "action"
                    [1] => object(Zend_Controller_Response_Http)#45 (8) {
                      ["_body":protected] => array(1) {
                        ["default"] => string(0) ""
                      ["_exceptions":protected] => array(1) {
                        [0] => *RECURSION*
                      ["_headers":protected] => array(0) {
                      ["_headersRaw":protected] => array(0) {
                      ["_httpResponseCode":protected] => int(200)
                      ["_isRedirect":protected] => bool(false)
                      ["_renderExceptions":protected] => bool(false)
                      ["headersSentThrowsException"] => bool(true)
                [8] => array(6) {
                  ["file"] => string(87) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Application/Bootstrap/Bootstrap.php"
                  ["line"] => int(97)
                  ["function"] => string(8) "dispatch"
                  ["class"] => string(21) "Zend_Controller_Front"
                  ["type"] => string(2) "->"
                  ["args"] => array(0) {
                [9] => array(6) {
                  ["file"] => string(67) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Application.php"
                  ["line"] => int(366)
                  ["function"] => string(3) "run"
                  ["class"] => string(36) "Zend_Application_Bootstrap_Bootstrap"
                  ["type"] => string(2) "->"
                  ["args"] => array(0) {
                [10] => array(6) {
                  ["file"] => string(60) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/public_html/index.php"
                  ["line"] => int(65)
                  ["function"] => string(3) "run"
                  ["class"] => string(16) "Zend_Application"
                  ["type"] => string(2) "->"
                  ["args"] => array(0) {
              ["previous":"Exception":private] => NULL
            ["type"] => string(15) "EXCEPTION_OTHER"
            ["request"] => object(Zend_Controller_Request_Http)#104 (15) {
              ["_paramSources":protected] => array(2) {
                [0] => string(4) "_GET"
                [1] => string(5) "_POST"
              ["_requestUri":protected] => string(49) "/zarzadzanie/artykuly/prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl"
              ["_baseUrl":protected] => string(0) ""
              ["_basePath":protected] => NULL
              ["_pathInfo":protected] => string(49) "/zarzadzanie/artykuly/prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl"
              ["_params":protected] => array(4) {
                ["module"] => string(11) "zarzadzanie"
                ["controller"] => string(8) "artykuly"
                ["action"] => string(27) "prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl"
                ["msg"] => string(57) "Nie posiadasz uprawnień do zmiany ustawień zawartości."
              ["_rawBody":protected] => NULL
              ["_aliases":protected] => array(0) {
              ["_dispatched":protected] => bool(true)
              ["_module":protected] => string(7) "default"
              ["_moduleKey":protected] => string(6) "module"
              ["_controller":protected] => string(5) "error"
              ["_controllerKey":protected] => string(10) "controller"
              ["_action":protected] => string(5) "error"
              ["_actionKey":protected] => string(6) "action"
    [7] => array(6) {
      ["file"] => string(73) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Controller/Action.php"
      ["line"] => int(516)
      ["function"] => string(11) "errorAction"
      ["class"] => string(15) "ErrorController"
      ["type"] => string(2) "->"
      ["args"] => array(0) {
    [8] => array(6) {
      ["file"] => string(86) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Controller/Dispatcher/Standard.php"
      ["line"] => int(308)
      ["function"] => string(8) "dispatch"
      ["class"] => string(22) "Zend_Controller_Action"
      ["type"] => string(2) "->"
      ["args"] => array(1) {
        [0] => &string(11) "errorAction"
    [9] => array(6) {
      ["file"] => string(72) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Controller/Front.php"
      ["line"] => int(954)
      ["function"] => string(8) "dispatch"
      ["class"] => string(35) "Zend_Controller_Dispatcher_Standard"
      ["type"] => string(2) "->"
      ["args"] => array(2) {
        [0] => object(Zend_Controller_Request_Http)#44 (15) {
          ["_paramSources":protected] => array(2) {
            [0] => string(4) "_GET"
            [1] => string(5) "_POST"
          ["_requestUri":protected] => string(49) "/zarzadzanie/artykuly/prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl"
          ["_baseUrl":protected] => string(0) ""
          ["_basePath":protected] => NULL
          ["_pathInfo":protected] => string(49) "/zarzadzanie/artykuly/prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl"
          ["_params":protected] => array(5) {
            ["module"] => string(11) "zarzadzanie"
            ["controller"] => string(8) "artykuly"
            ["action"] => string(27) "prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl"
            ["msg"] => string(57) "Nie posiadasz uprawnień do zmiany ustawień zawartości."
            ["error_handler"] => object(ArrayObject)#105 (1) {
              ["storage":"ArrayObject":private] => array(3) {
                ["exception"] => object(Zend_Cache_Exception)#103 (8) {
                  ["_previous":"Zend_Exception":private] => NULL
                  ["message":protected] => string(102) "Invalid id or tag 'path_zarzadzanie_artykuly_prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl' : must use only [a-zA-Z0-9_]"
                  ["string":"Exception":private] => string(1734) "exception 'Zend_Cache_Exception' with message 'Invalid id or tag 'path_zarzadzanie_artykuly_prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl' : must use only [a-zA-Z0-9_]' in /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Cache.php:209
Stack trace:
#0 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Cache/Core.php(679): Zend_Cache::throwException('Invalid id or t...')
#1 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Cache/Core.php(358): Zend_Cache_Core::_validateIdOrTag('path_zarzadzani...')
#2 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/application/plugins/Cache.php(384): Zend_Cache_Core->save(false, 'path_zarzadzani...', Array, false, 8)
#3 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/application/models/Zarzadzanie/Menu.php(225): Plugin_Cache->save(false, 'path_zarzadzani...', Array)
#4 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/application/controllers/BaseController.php(222): Model_Zarzadzanie_Menu->pobierzSciezke(Array)
#5 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Controller/Action.php(521): BaseController->postDispatch()
#6 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Controller/Dispatcher/Standard.php(308): Zend_Controller_Action->dispatch('errorAction')
#7 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Controller/Front.php(954): Zend_Controller_Dispatcher_Standard->dispatch(Object(Zend_Controller_Request_Http), Object(Zend_Controller_Response_Http))
#8 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Application/Bootstrap/Bootstrap.php(97): Zend_Controller_Front->dispatch()
#9 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Application.php(366): Zend_Application_Bootstrap_Bootstrap->run()
#10 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/public_html/index.php(65): Zend_Application->run()
#11 {main}"
                  ["code":protected] => int(0)
                  ["file":protected] => string(61) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Cache.php"
                  ["line":protected] => int(209)
                  ["trace":"Exception":private] => array(11) {
                    [0] => array(6) {
                      ["file"] => string(66) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Cache/Core.php"
                      ["line"] => int(679)
                      ["function"] => string(14) "throwException"
                      ["class"] => string(10) "Zend_Cache"
                      ["type"] => string(2) "::"
                      ["args"] => array(1) {
                        [0] => string(102) "Invalid id or tag 'path_zarzadzanie_artykuly_prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl' : must use only [a-zA-Z0-9_]"
                    [1] => array(6) {
                      ["file"] => string(66) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Cache/Core.php"
                      ["line"] => int(358)
                      ["function"] => string(16) "_validateIdOrTag"
                      ["class"] => string(15) "Zend_Cache_Core"
                      ["type"] => string(2) "::"
                      ["args"] => array(1) {
                        [0] => string(53) "path_zarzadzanie_artykuly_prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl"
                    [2] => array(6) {
                      ["file"] => string(68) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/application/plugins/Cache.php"
                      ["line"] => int(384)
                      ["function"] => string(4) "save"
                      ["class"] => string(15) "Zend_Cache_Core"
                      ["type"] => string(2) "->"
                      ["args"] => array(5) {
                        [0] => bool(false)
                        [1] => string(53) "path_zarzadzanie_artykuly_prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl"
                        [2] => array(1) {
                          [0] => string(14) "navigationPath"
                        [3] => bool(false)
                        [4] => int(8)
                    [3] => array(6) {
                      ["file"] => string(78) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/application/models/Zarzadzanie/Menu.php"
                      ["line"] => int(225)
                      ["function"] => string(4) "save"
                      ["class"] => string(12) "Plugin_Cache"
                      ["type"] => string(2) "->"
                      ["args"] => array(3) {
                        [0] => bool(false)
                        [1] => string(53) "path_zarzadzanie_artykuly_prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl"
                        [2] => array(1) {
                          [0] => string(14) "navigationPath"
                    [4] => array(6) {
                      ["file"] => string(81) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/application/controllers/BaseController.php"
                      ["line"] => int(222)
                      ["function"] => string(14) "pobierzSciezke"
                      ["class"] => string(22) "Model_Zarzadzanie_Menu"
                      ["type"] => string(2) "->"
                      ["args"] => array(1) {
                        [0] => array(4) {
                          ["module"] => string(11) "zarzadzanie"
                          ["controller"] => string(8) "artykuly"
                          ["action"] => string(27) "prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl"
                          ["msg"] => string(57) "Nie posiadasz uprawnień do zmiany ustawień zawartości."
                    [5] => array(6) {
                      ["file"] => string(73) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Controller/Action.php"
                      ["line"] => int(521)
                      ["function"] => string(12) "postDispatch"
                      ["class"] => string(14) "BaseController"
                      ["type"] => string(2) "->"
                      ["args"] => array(0) {
                    [6] => array(6) {
                      ["file"] => string(86) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Controller/Dispatcher/Standard.php"
                      ["line"] => int(308)
                      ["function"] => string(8) "dispatch"
                      ["class"] => string(22) "Zend_Controller_Action"
                      ["type"] => string(2) "->"
                      ["args"] => array(1) {
                        [0] => string(11) "errorAction"
                    [7] => array(6) {
                      ["file"] => string(72) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Controller/Front.php"
                      ["line"] => int(954)
                      ["function"] => string(8) "dispatch"
                      ["class"] => string(35) "Zend_Controller_Dispatcher_Standard"
                      ["type"] => string(2) "->"
                      ["args"] => array(2) {
                        [0] => *RECURSION*
                        [1] => object(Zend_Controller_Response_Http)#45 (8) {
                          ["_body":protected] => array(1) {
                            ["default"] => string(0) ""
                          ["_exceptions":protected] => array(1) {
                            [0] => *RECURSION*
                          ["_headers":protected] => array(0) {
                          ["_headersRaw":protected] => array(0) {
                          ["_httpResponseCode":protected] => int(200)
                          ["_isRedirect":protected] => bool(false)
                          ["_renderExceptions":protected] => bool(false)
                          ["headersSentThrowsException"] => bool(true)
                    [8] => array(6) {
                      ["file"] => string(87) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Application/Bootstrap/Bootstrap.php"
                      ["line"] => int(97)
                      ["function"] => string(8) "dispatch"
                      ["class"] => string(21) "Zend_Controller_Front"
                      ["type"] => string(2) "->"
                      ["args"] => array(0) {
                    [9] => array(6) {
                      ["file"] => string(67) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Application.php"
                      ["line"] => int(366)
                      ["function"] => string(3) "run"
                      ["class"] => string(36) "Zend_Application_Bootstrap_Bootstrap"
                      ["type"] => string(2) "->"
                      ["args"] => array(0) {
                    [10] => array(6) {
                      ["file"] => string(60) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/public_html/index.php"
                      ["line"] => int(65)
                      ["function"] => string(3) "run"
                      ["class"] => string(16) "Zend_Application"
                      ["type"] => string(2) "->"
                      ["args"] => array(0) {
                  ["previous":"Exception":private] => NULL
                ["type"] => string(15) "EXCEPTION_OTHER"
                ["request"] => object(Zend_Controller_Request_Http)#104 (15) {
                  ["_paramSources":protected] => array(2) {
                    [0] => string(4) "_GET"
                    [1] => string(5) "_POST"
                  ["_requestUri":protected] => string(49) "/zarzadzanie/artykuly/prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl"
                  ["_baseUrl":protected] => string(0) ""
                  ["_basePath":protected] => NULL
                  ["_pathInfo":protected] => string(49) "/zarzadzanie/artykuly/prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl"
                  ["_params":protected] => array(4) {
                    ["module"] => string(11) "zarzadzanie"
                    ["controller"] => string(8) "artykuly"
                    ["action"] => string(27) "prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl"
                    ["msg"] => string(57) "Nie posiadasz uprawnień do zmiany ustawień zawartości."
                  ["_rawBody":protected] => NULL
                  ["_aliases":protected] => array(0) {
                  ["_dispatched":protected] => bool(true)
                  ["_module":protected] => string(7) "default"
                  ["_moduleKey":protected] => string(6) "module"
                  ["_controller":protected] => string(5) "error"
                  ["_controllerKey":protected] => string(10) "controller"
                  ["_action":protected] => string(5) "error"
                  ["_actionKey":protected] => string(6) "action"
          ["_rawBody":protected] => NULL
          ["_aliases":protected] => array(0) {
          ["_dispatched":protected] => bool(false)
          ["_module":protected] => string(7) "default"
          ["_moduleKey":protected] => string(6) "module"
          ["_controller":protected] => string(5) "error"
          ["_controllerKey":protected] => string(10) "controller"
          ["_action":protected] => string(8) "critical"
          ["_actionKey":protected] => string(6) "action"
        [1] => object(Zend_Controller_Response_Http)#45 (8) {
          ["_body":protected] => array(1) {
            ["default"] => string(0) ""
          ["_exceptions":protected] => array(1) {
            [0] => object(Zend_Cache_Exception)#103 (8) {
              ["_previous":"Zend_Exception":private] => NULL
              ["message":protected] => string(102) "Invalid id or tag 'path_zarzadzanie_artykuly_prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl' : must use only [a-zA-Z0-9_]"
              ["string":"Exception":private] => string(1734) "exception 'Zend_Cache_Exception' with message 'Invalid id or tag 'path_zarzadzanie_artykuly_prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl' : must use only [a-zA-Z0-9_]' in /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Cache.php:209
Stack trace:
#0 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Cache/Core.php(679): Zend_Cache::throwException('Invalid id or t...')
#1 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Cache/Core.php(358): Zend_Cache_Core::_validateIdOrTag('path_zarzadzani...')
#2 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/application/plugins/Cache.php(384): Zend_Cache_Core->save(false, 'path_zarzadzani...', Array, false, 8)
#3 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/application/models/Zarzadzanie/Menu.php(225): Plugin_Cache->save(false, 'path_zarzadzani...', Array)
#4 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/application/controllers/BaseController.php(222): Model_Zarzadzanie_Menu->pobierzSciezke(Array)
#5 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Controller/Action.php(521): BaseController->postDispatch()
#6 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Controller/Dispatcher/Standard.php(308): Zend_Controller_Action->dispatch('errorAction')
#7 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Controller/Front.php(954): Zend_Controller_Dispatcher_Standard->dispatch(Object(Zend_Controller_Request_Http), Object(Zend_Controller_Response_Http))
#8 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Application/Bootstrap/Bootstrap.php(97): Zend_Controller_Front->dispatch()
#9 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Application.php(366): Zend_Application_Bootstrap_Bootstrap->run()
#10 /home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/public_html/index.php(65): Zend_Application->run()
#11 {main}"
              ["code":protected] => int(0)
              ["file":protected] => string(61) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Cache.php"
              ["line":protected] => int(209)
              ["trace":"Exception":private] => array(11) {
                [0] => array(6) {
                  ["file"] => string(66) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Cache/Core.php"
                  ["line"] => int(679)
                  ["function"] => string(14) "throwException"
                  ["class"] => string(10) "Zend_Cache"
                  ["type"] => string(2) "::"
                  ["args"] => array(1) {
                    [0] => string(102) "Invalid id or tag 'path_zarzadzanie_artykuly_prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl' : must use only [a-zA-Z0-9_]"
                [1] => array(6) {
                  ["file"] => string(66) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Cache/Core.php"
                  ["line"] => int(358)
                  ["function"] => string(16) "_validateIdOrTag"
                  ["class"] => string(15) "Zend_Cache_Core"
                  ["type"] => string(2) "::"
                  ["args"] => array(1) {
                    [0] => string(53) "path_zarzadzanie_artykuly_prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl"
                [2] => array(6) {
                  ["file"] => string(68) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/application/plugins/Cache.php"
                  ["line"] => int(384)
                  ["function"] => string(4) "save"
                  ["class"] => string(15) "Zend_Cache_Core"
                  ["type"] => string(2) "->"
                  ["args"] => array(5) {
                    [0] => bool(false)
                    [1] => string(53) "path_zarzadzanie_artykuly_prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl"
                    [2] => array(1) {
                      [0] => string(14) "navigationPath"
                    [3] => bool(false)
                    [4] => int(8)
                [3] => array(6) {
                  ["file"] => string(78) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/application/models/Zarzadzanie/Menu.php"
                  ["line"] => int(225)
                  ["function"] => string(4) "save"
                  ["class"] => string(12) "Plugin_Cache"
                  ["type"] => string(2) "->"
                  ["args"] => array(3) {
                    [0] => bool(false)
                    [1] => string(53) "path_zarzadzanie_artykuly_prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl"
                    [2] => array(1) {
                      [0] => string(14) "navigationPath"
                [4] => array(6) {
                  ["file"] => string(81) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/application/controllers/BaseController.php"
                  ["line"] => int(222)
                  ["function"] => string(14) "pobierzSciezke"
                  ["class"] => string(22) "Model_Zarzadzanie_Menu"
                  ["type"] => string(2) "->"
                  ["args"] => array(1) {
                    [0] => array(4) {
                      ["module"] => string(11) "zarzadzanie"
                      ["controller"] => string(8) "artykuly"
                      ["action"] => string(27) "prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl"
                      ["msg"] => string(57) "Nie posiadasz uprawnień do zmiany ustawień zawartości."
                [5] => array(6) {
                  ["file"] => string(73) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Controller/Action.php"
                  ["line"] => int(521)
                  ["function"] => string(12) "postDispatch"
                  ["class"] => string(14) "BaseController"
                  ["type"] => string(2) "->"
                  ["args"] => array(0) {
                [6] => array(6) {
                  ["file"] => string(86) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Controller/Dispatcher/Standard.php"
                  ["line"] => int(308)
                  ["function"] => string(8) "dispatch"
                  ["class"] => string(22) "Zend_Controller_Action"
                  ["type"] => string(2) "->"
                  ["args"] => array(1) {
                    [0] => string(11) "errorAction"
                [7] => array(6) {
                  ["file"] => string(72) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Controller/Front.php"
                  ["line"] => int(954)
                  ["function"] => string(8) "dispatch"
                  ["class"] => string(35) "Zend_Controller_Dispatcher_Standard"
                  ["type"] => string(2) "->"
                  ["args"] => array(2) {
                    [0] => object(Zend_Controller_Request_Http)#44 (15) {
                      ["_paramSources":protected] => array(2) {
                        [0] => string(4) "_GET"
                        [1] => string(5) "_POST"
                      ["_requestUri":protected] => string(49) "/zarzadzanie/artykuly/prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl"
                      ["_baseUrl":protected] => string(0) ""
                      ["_basePath":protected] => NULL
                      ["_pathInfo":protected] => string(49) "/zarzadzanie/artykuly/prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl"
                      ["_params":protected] => array(5) {
                        ["module"] => string(11) "zarzadzanie"
                        ["controller"] => string(8) "artykuly"
                        ["action"] => string(27) "prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl"
                        ["msg"] => string(57) "Nie posiadasz uprawnień do zmiany ustawień zawartości."
                        ["error_handler"] => object(ArrayObject)#105 (1) {
                          ["storage":"ArrayObject":private] => array(3) {
                            ["exception"] => *RECURSION*
                            ["type"] => string(15) "EXCEPTION_OTHER"
                            ["request"] => object(Zend_Controller_Request_Http)#104 (15) {
                              ["_paramSources":protected] => array(2) {
                                [0] => string(4) "_GET"
                                [1] => string(5) "_POST"
                              ["_requestUri":protected] => string(49) "/zarzadzanie/artykuly/prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl"
                              ["_baseUrl":protected] => string(0) ""
                              ["_basePath":protected] => NULL
                              ["_pathInfo":protected] => string(49) "/zarzadzanie/artykuly/prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl"
                              ["_params":protected] => array(4) {
                                ["module"] => string(11) "zarzadzanie"
                                ["controller"] => string(8) "artykuly"
                                ["action"] => string(27) "prawdziwaochronaprzyrody.pl"
                                ["msg"] => string(57) "Nie posiadasz uprawnień do zmiany ustawień zawartości."
                              ["_rawBody":protected] => NULL
                              ["_aliases":protected] => array(0) {
                              ["_dispatched":protected] => bool(true)
                              ["_module":protected] => string(7) "default"
                              ["_moduleKey":protected] => string(6) "module"
                              ["_controller":protected] => string(5) "error"
                              ["_controllerKey":protected] => string(10) "controller"
                              ["_action":protected] => string(5) "error"
                              ["_actionKey":protected] => string(6) "action"
                      ["_rawBody":protected] => NULL
                      ["_aliases":protected] => array(0) {
                      ["_dispatched":protected] => bool(false)
                      ["_module":protected] => string(7) "default"
                      ["_moduleKey":protected] => string(6) "module"
                      ["_controller":protected] => string(5) "error"
                      ["_controllerKey":protected] => string(10) "controller"
                      ["_action":protected] => string(8) "critical"
                      ["_actionKey":protected] => string(6) "action"
                    [1] => *RECURSION*
                [8] => array(6) {
                  ["file"] => string(87) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Application/Bootstrap/Bootstrap.php"
                  ["line"] => int(97)
                  ["function"] => string(8) "dispatch"
                  ["class"] => string(21) "Zend_Controller_Front"
                  ["type"] => string(2) "->"
                  ["args"] => array(0) {
                [9] => array(6) {
                  ["file"] => string(67) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Application.php"
                  ["line"] => int(366)
                  ["function"] => string(3) "run"
                  ["class"] => string(36) "Zend_Application_Bootstrap_Bootstrap"
                  ["type"] => string(2) "->"
                  ["args"] => array(0) {
                [10] => array(6) {
                  ["file"] => string(60) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/public_html/index.php"
                  ["line"] => int(65)
                  ["function"] => string(3) "run"
                  ["class"] => string(16) "Zend_Application"
                  ["type"] => string(2) "->"
                  ["args"] => array(0) {
              ["previous":"Exception":private] => NULL
          ["_headers":protected] => array(0) {
          ["_headersRaw":protected] => array(0) {
          ["_httpResponseCode":protected] => int(200)
          ["_isRedirect":protected] => bool(false)
          ["_renderExceptions":protected] => bool(false)
          ["headersSentThrowsException"] => bool(true)
    [10] => array(6) {
      ["file"] => string(87) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Application/Bootstrap/Bootstrap.php"
      ["line"] => int(97)
      ["function"] => string(8) "dispatch"
      ["class"] => string(21) "Zend_Controller_Front"
      ["type"] => string(2) "->"
      ["args"] => array(0) {
    [11] => array(6) {
      ["file"] => string(67) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/library/Zend/Application.php"
      ["line"] => int(366)
      ["function"] => string(3) "run"
      ["class"] => string(36) "Zend_Application_Bootstrap_Bootstrap"
      ["type"] => string(2) "->"
      ["args"] => array(0) {
    [12] => array(6) {
      ["file"] => string(60) "/home/firmylesne/domains/firmylesne.pl/public_html/index.php"
      ["line"] => int(65)
      ["function"] => string(3) "run"
      ["class"] => string(16) "Zend_Application"
      ["type"] => string(2) "->"
      ["args"] => array(0) {
  ["previous":"Exception":private] => NULL